wview User Manual

March 5, 2006


1. Overview
2. Distribution Contents
3. Prerequisites
4. Build and Install
5. Cross Compiling
6. Configuration
7. Weather Station Configuration
7.1 Station Simulator
7.2 Davis Vantage Pro/Pro2 Console
7.3 Vaisala WXT-510
8. Metric Units and Internationalization
9. Run Environment Description
10. Configuration Files Description
11. Using a MySQL or PostgreSQL Server to Store Archive Data
12. Setting Up FTP Transfers
13. Alarms and wview As a Data Feed Engine
14. Secure File Transfer (rsync/ssh)
15. Miscellaneous
16. CWOP - Submitting Your Data to NOAA and the CWOP System
17. Wunderground - Submitting Your Data to Weather Underground
18. AWEKAS - Providing Your Data to Awekas
19. Using a Linksys NSLU2 as the wview Host
20. Porting New Stations To wview
21. Troubleshooting

1. Overview

wview is a collection of linux/unix daemons which interface with a supported weather station to retrieve archive records (if generated by the station) and current conditions. The stations currently supported are:
Davis Vantage Pro/Pro2

If the station does not generate archive records internally, wview will auto-generate archive records based on the sensor readings collected for that interval. The archive records are stored in the Davis WLK file format (thus Weatherlink-generated archive files can often be used by wview). At a configurable interval, wview will utilize the archive history and current conditions to generate weather images (buckets, dials and graphs) and HTML web pages based on user-configurable HTML templates.


2. Distribution Contents

/COPYING The GPL Version 2 License file
/AUTHORS My feeble attempt to give everyone their due credit
/INSTALL General GNU automake build instructions
/stations/common Source directory for the station daemon
/stations/VantagePro Source directory for the Davis Vantage Pro/Pro2 interface
/stations/VantagePro/vpconfig Source directory for the Vantage Pro/Pro2 config utility
/stations/VantagePro/doc Davis SDK documentation
/htmlgenerator Source directory for the HTML file generator
/alarms Source directory for the alarm and data feed daemon
/ssh Source directory for the rsync/ssh transfer daemon
/ftp Source directory for the FTP process
/common Common source and build files
/cwop Source directory for the CWOP process
/wunderground Source directory for the optional Weather Underground process
/sqld Source directory for the optional SQL archiving process
/wviewconfig Source directory for the wview configuration script
/bin Provides a template run environment with img and archive directories - various graphics are stored in the bin/img directory and must be transferred to your web site's document root directory
/examples/conf Example config files (see description below)
/examples/html Example HTML template files and tag description file parameters.txt (see description below)
/examples/SuSE Example SuSE boot start script location
/examples/FreeBSD Example FreeBSD boot start script location
/examples/RedHat Example RedHat boot start script location
/examples/FedoraCore Example Fedora Core boot start script location
/examples/Debian Example Debian boot start script location
/examples/MacOSX Example Mac OSX boot start environment location
/utilities Top-level wview utilities directory
/utilities/archive-be2le Source directory for the wview archive directory Big-Endian to Little-Endian command line convertor
/utilities/archive-le2be Source directory for the wview archive directory Little-Endian to Big-Endian command line convertor
/configure build configuration script to be executed before building wview
/cross-compile Contains example configure scripts for cross compilation. libz, libpng, libgd, librad and wview scripts are included (and should be built in that order). Use these scripts instead of "./configure" to configure these libraries for cross compilation. These scripts configure for arm-linux targets but could easily be edited for a different target.
/ChangeLog The release notes file
/wview-User-Manual.html This file, the User Manual
/wview-Quick-Start.html Quick Start Guide
/wview-Quick-Start-MacOSX.html MacOSX-specific Quick Start Guide
/README Just directs you to this file now...
/UPGRADE Notes on upgrading from previous versions

3. Prerequisites


  Note: Some of these libraries may be represented as "-devel" or similar in your 
        package management utility, i.e., "libcurl-devel". If they are, you should install
        the devel version in order to get the development libraries that radlib/wview needs.


Weather Station - one of the following:

4. Build and Install

4.1  Extract to the location [wview_bld_path] of your choosing.
         tar zxvf wview-x.y.z.tar.gz

4.2  Change directory to the wview root source directory.
         cd [wview_bld_path]

4.3  Run the configure script to create the build files for your platform.

     Note: [station_enable_str] refers to the appropriate enable string in the
           list of stations in the previous section *for your station*.

     => Possible Configuration Arguments:

     [station_enable_str] - one of:
         [none] --enable-station-vpro is default
     Optional - one of:
         [none] No SQL archiving support (default)

     Optional - one of:
         [none] No Wunderground support (default)

     => Examples:

     [No database support (default)]
         ./configure [station_enable_str]

     [MySQL database support]
         ./configure [station_enable_str] --enable-mysql
     [PostgreSQL database support AND Wunderground]
         ./configure [station_enable_str] --enable-pgresql --enable-wunderground

     => Note:

     Execute "./configure --help" to see user configurable options. Be careful
     changing any of the prefix values, this has an effect on wview 

4.4  Build.

4.5  Install.
     First become root:
     If this is a new install or you want to obtain new wview templates, images
     and config files, install binaries and create the run environment.
         make install-env
     Otherwise, just install new binaries.
         make install

Note: The following build targets are available:
    make                - default target builds all source
    make clean          - deletes binaries and object files
    make install        - makes "default" then installs the binaries to 
                          ${prefix}/bin (usually /usr/local/bin)
    make install-env    - builds "install" then copies example config files
                          and run environment (from .../bin) to /etc/wview 
                          and /var/wview respectively, preserving existing 
                          data files and backing up existing configuration
                          (if any)

4.6  Configure to run at system boot (if new install).
     Select the appropriate wview run script - 
     wview-x.y.z/examples/SuSE|RedHat|FreeBSD|FedoraCore (based on your OS/distro)
     Copy it to the proper location for your system:
         SuSE:       cp wview-x.y.z/examples/SuSE/wview /etc/init.d
         Redhat:     cp wview-x.y.z/examples/RedHat/wview /etc/rc.d/init.d
         FreeBSD:    cp wview-x.y.z/examples/FreeBSD/wview /etc/rc.d
         FedoraCore: cp wview-x.y.z/examples/FedoraCore/wview /etc/rc.d/init.d
         Debian:     cp wview-x.y.z/examples/Debian/wview /etc/init.d
     Make sure it is executable:
         SuSE:       chmod +x /etc/init.d/wview
         Redhat:     chmod +x /etc/rc.d/init.d/wview
         FreeBSD:    chmod +x /etc/rc.d/wview
         FedoraCore: chmod +x /etc/rc.d/init.d/wview
         Debian:     chmod +x /etc/init.d/wview
     Create a symbolic link in the runlevel directory you boot your server to
     (the following example is for a RedHat/Fedora/Debian that boots into runlevel 3): 
         cd /etc/rc.d/rc3.d
         ln -s ../init.d/wview S98wview
     wview will now be started when the system is booted.
     Note: You can start/stop wview using this run script:
           /etc/rc.d/init.d/wview start   *or*
           /etc/rc.d/init.d/wview stop

     Run Script Notes:
     1) These are example scripts - ergo their location in the distro under the 
        examples directory. Don't be afraid to edit the appropriate one for your 
        system to your configuration and install location.

     2) If you specify a non-default "--prefix=xxx" to the configure script for 
        wview, you will have to edit the wview start script so that all binaries 
        are defined to be at "prefix/bin", otherwise, the script will not work.

     3) You should use the same "--prefix=xxx" specification when configuring 
        radlib and wview. Further, this should be the default install location 
        for libraries and library headers in your system - i.e., prefix/lib and 
        prefix/include for libgd.a, libpng.a, libz.a and gd.h respectively. Do 
        not select a non-default prefix (/usr/local) randomly.

4.7  Add radlib location to shared library cache.
     If you get errors similar to:
        /usr/local/bin/wviewd: error while loading shared libraries: 
        librad.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
     you need to either copy the latest wview start script from the distro
     (examples//wview) to your start script location (see the 
     preceeding section), or add the radlib shared library location 
     (/usr/local/lib) to your shared library cache (see /etc/ld.so.conf) and run

5. Cross Compiling

See the scripts in /cross-compile for "./configure" alternatives.
This directory contains example configure scripts for cross compilation. libz,
libpng, libgd, librad and wview scripts are included (and should be built in 
that order). Use these scripts instead of "./configure" to configure these 
libraries for cross compilation. These scripts configure for arm-linux 
targets but can be edited for other targets.

Note: The config-radlib-arm-linux and config-wview-arm-linux scripts will accept 
      up to 3 additional configure options.

The general build sequence is:

[become root]
#make install

All libs and applications are installed in the toolchain root, defined in the 
config scripts.

The general build order is:


6. Configuration

Note: See the appropriate station configuration section  7. Weather Station Configuration
      for a procedure to configure your weather station prior to running wview for 
      the first time.

Note: See the Configuration Files Description and Run Environment Description 
      sections for detailed information concerning files and directories mentioned here.

6.1  (Mandatory) Setup Run Environment 

     New Install: "make install-env" should be used instead of "make install" 
     in the build instructions.
     Upgrading: If you are using the standard html templates provided with 
     wview, it is safe to use the "install-env" make target described above. It will 
     not disturb existing archive files and if you know your configuration settings 
     (or don't "mind" referring to your old files in /etc/wview-old), you can just 
     run the wviewconfig script on the newly copied configuration files. This 
     approach keeps you up-to-date on new wview settings and features. The entire 
     /etc/wview directory is renamed /etc/wview-old so that you will not lose 
     anything. Even with custom html templates or alarm definitions, this is the 
     preferred way to upgrade - just move or integrate your old templates and 
     alarm definitions into the new config directory from the backed-up copies in 
     /etc/wview-old. The /var/wview/img directory is similarly backed up prior to 
     copying new image files for new capabilities.

     If you want to do it all manually, just use the "install" make target and check 
     the wview-x.y.z/Changelog file for remarks on new config files, html templates 
     or images that you may want to copy to your wview server from the distro.

6.2  (Mandatory) Read the distro (or online) version of the file UPGRADE.

6.3  (Mandatory) Run the wviewconfig Script 

     wview configuration files should be autogenerated using the configure script 
     "wviewconfig". This script asks questions interactively then creates (backing up 
     the existing files, if any) the files /etc/wview/wview.conf and 
     /etc/wview/htmlgen.conf based on the answers. It uses your previous settings 
     as the default selections where appropriate. It will also allow interactive 
     enabling/disabling of optional wview capabilities such as alarms or file transfer 
     via ftp. The configuration files for the optional capabilities must still be 
     edited manually. See the relevant sections of this manual for details concerning 
     configuration of the optional capabilities. 
     wviewconfig can be safely used (and should be) for existing installs. It uses 
     the current settings as the default choices, so you don't have to remember what 
     your prior settings were. It will also allow the configuration of new wview 
     optional capabilities while remaining backward compatible with all versions 
     of wview since the 1.0.0 release.

6.4  (New Installs or As Needed) Customizing HTML Templates For Your Site

     Note: Changing HTML templates in /etc/wview/html does not require a restart
           of wview. The changes you make will take effect at the next htmlgend
           generation cycle.
     Note: Changing the config files images.conf, images-user.conf, images-metric.conf,
           html-templates.conf and (if supported) forecast.conf does not require 
           a restart of wview (as of version 3.1.0), but does require a HUP signal 
           to be sent to htmlgend to cause these files to be re-read. Do this as
           follows (this will also toggle log verbosity):

               kill -s HUP `cat /var/wview/htmlgend.pid`

     HTML template files (in /etc/wview/html) should be customized to your language and 
     your design preferences. The configuration file html-templates.conf specifies the 
     template files to be used for generation. You may add or remove from this list as 
     Edit copies placed in /etc/wview/html directory, either by use of the "install-env" 
     make target or manually copied for upgrades.
     The HTML tags "!--stationCity--" and "!--stationState--" should not be removed 
     from template files for which you want the station location included. wview will 
     replace these tags with the values you specify for "STATION_CITY" and "STATION_STATE" 
     in /etc/wview/htmlgen.conf. You no longer need to edit every template for your location.
     Several home page template designs are now provided - they are named 
     "index-[image file root].htx and their corresponding background images are 
     "[image file root].png" in the bin/img directory. You can use any one of them by 
     copying the file to index.htx or index_Plus.htx and editing the template for your 
     site as usual. A script to rotate through home page templates every minute is 
     included: examples/html/rotate-index.sh. This can be enabled via cron - see the 
     examples/html/rotate-index.sh file for details on usage.
     If you want to have different homepage templates based on day or night, 
     list the files "index-day.htx" and "index-night.htx" in 
     /etc/wview/html-templates.conf INSTEAD of "index.htx", then wview will 
     generate the file "index.html" based on the values of sunrise, sunset and 
     the current wview server time. See the example html-templates.conf file 
     in the distro for more details. Then either create soft links to the day and 
     night templates you want to use in /etc/wview/html 
     (ln -s index-clouds.htx index-day.htx), or copy the files you want to 
     index-day.htx and index-night.htx.
     There is now support for XML file generation. XML templates should be named
     "*.xtx" and placed in /etc/wview/html. An example RSS feed template is 
     included in the distro: examples/html/wxrss.xtx. An href to it is included
     in all home page template examples so the RSS feed may be discovered while 
     visiting your home page. wxrss.xtx should be edited for your site when placed 
     in /etc/wview/html either manually or via "make install-env".
     There is now support for "generic" template file types. For any template
     file named "example.[ext]x" and listed in html-templates.conf, wview will 
     generate a file named "example.[ext]". For example, "myscript.phpx" listed
     in html-templates.conf and found in /var/wview/html will have all wview 
     tags replaced and the resulting file will be named "myscript.php". Please 
     note that if you are using FTP to transfer your files you will need to add 
     rules for any new extensions you want to support in the wviewftp.conf file.

     There is support for two new html tags - forecast rule and forecast icon.
     The new tags are !--forecastRule-- and !--forecastIcon-- (brackets omitted) 
     The configuration file forecast.conf allows the user to define the icon 
     files and text associated with the forecast rules. See the example 
     forecast.conf file for details. The icon tag will be replaced by an image 
     html construct pointing at the appropriate icon image file. The rule tag will 
     be replaced by the corresponding text string defined in forecast.conf. 
     Because these capabilities require 35 KB or more of memory (and I think the 
     VP forecasts are hokey), they are disabled by default.
     Note that you can create any page template design you like - the file 
     examples/html/parameterlist.txt contains a list of all html tags supported by wview. 
     These tags are replaced by the actual data when the html page is generated by wview.

6.5  (New Installs) Existing Weatherlink Archive Files

     If you have existing archive files (*.wlk) that you want to keep/use, copy them to 
     /var/wview/archive prior to starting wview. It will find them and use them for 
     historical charts and NOAA reports. But only if they were collected using the same 
     archive interval that you are going to use for your VP with wview. See the section 
     Preparing a New Vantage Pro Console for more details.
     Note: If you need to convert archive files from big endian to little endian,
           use the arc_be2le utility (specifying source and destination directories).
           This will convert all WLK files and the sensorstore.bin file in the source 
           directory and place them in the destination directory specified. Folks
           moving from a PPC-based Mac to a PC host (for example) would need to do 
           this conversion on their existing archive directory.
     Note: If you need to convert archive files from little endian to big endian,
           use the arc_le2be utility (specifying source and destination directories).
           This will convert all WLK files and the sensorstore.bin file in the source 
           directory and place them in the destination directory specified. Folks
           moving from a PC host to an NSLU2 embedded host or a PPC-based Mac 
           (for example) would need to do this conversion on their existing archive 

6.6  (Optional) Alarms or Weather Data Feeds

     If weather data alarm processing and/or TCP stream socket server for data 
     feeds is desired, edit /etc/wview/wvalarm.conf - changing to fit your requirements.
     See Alarms and wview As a Data Feed Engine for details.

6.7  (Optional) FTP File Transfer

     If ftp of files to a remote host is desired, edit /etc/wview/wviewftp.conf - 
     changing to fit your environment.

6.8  (Optional) Secure rsync Remote Syncronization

     If secure rsync synchronization of files to a remote host is desired, edit 
     /etc/wview/wviewssh.conf - changing to fit your environment. 
     See Secure File Transfer (rsync/ssh) for details.

7. Weather Station Configuration

This chapter contains station-specific configuration instructions. 

7.1 Station Simulator

The Simulator station requires no physical weather station. It is a quick and 
easy way to demo wview. It also provides an excellent debug platform as cyclic 
data is generated. There is no station setup, just configure wview for the 
Simulator (--enable-station-sim) then choose Station Type *Generic* when you run 
wviewconfig after build/install.

7.2 Davis Vantage Pro/Pro2 Console

7.2.1 Preparing a New Vantage Pro Console
If you are installing a new VP console, there are a few initial settings 
that you need to set up so that your weather station and wview operate 
properly. Configuration of archive interval, station location (elevation, 
latitude and longitude) and your desired rain season start month must be
set up before you start wview for the first time. 
Below is a short description of each of these:

Archive Interval  - this determines how often the VP console will generate
                    an archive record and store it in its internal memory.
                    These records are retrieved by wview from the console
                    and stored in the archive files (and the archive database,
                    if database archiving is enabled). The valid values are:
                    5, 10, 15, 30, 60 (minutes). Keep in mind that the 
                    shorter the archive interval, the more records that will be 
                    generated. More records means a shorter time span for 
                    internal storage in the VP console memory and larger archive
                    files on the wview server disk (and larger database tables 
                    if stored in a database). I use an archive interval of 5 
                    This does NOT effect how often HTML files containing 
                    current conditions are generated or the up to the minute
                    values they contain, this is controlled by the configuration
                    value "GENERATE_INTERVAL" in htmlgen.conf. It will effect
                    the granularity of your charts for the last 24 hours.

Elevation         - this is given in feet above (or below) sea level. This is
                    the recommended way to calibrate your barometer.

Lat/Long          - this describes the location of your weather station.

Rain Season Start - this defines the first month of each year when yearly
                    rain totals will begin. Most people will use a value of
                    "1" here.

In order to set these parameters in the VP console, the "vpinstall" script is
provided with the wview distribution. Note that all of these can be configured 
using the On-Screen VP console setup utility. After building and installing wview, 
the vpinstall script can be found in ${prefix}/bin (usually /usr/local/bin). It 
is an interactive script which queries you for these initial values then uses the
vpconfig utility to commit them to your new VP console. Once completed, it is
advisable to wait 10 minutes or so before starting wview for the first time as
it takes the VP console a little while to "digest" the new settings, in
particular for the barometer.

7.2.2 Vantage Pro Plus Extended Sensor Support Overview

      Note: If you do not have a Vantage Pro Plus or Vantage Pro2 Plus and 
            you haven't added additional sensors ($$) to your VP, then there 
            is no reason to enable Plus extended data in htmlgen.conf or to 
            enable extended sensor generation in images.conf or 
            images-metric.conf. You will only be wasting CPU cycles as the 
            extended sensors will not be populated with anything meaningful.

      The Vantage Pro Plus adds Solar Radiation, UV and Evapotranspiration (ET) 
      sensors with the potential to add other sensors. wview provides support 
      for historical charts (day, month and year) for the following VP Plus 

        Solar Radiation

      wview also can generate current condition buckets for Radiation, 
      UV and ET. Configuration

--------  htmlgen.conf

      --  Edit /etc/wview/htmlgen.conf
      --  Modify the following line (or add it if it is not present) so it is
          enabled (1):
          EXTENDED_DATA[1]=1      # store/process VP Plus extended sensor values
      --  Save and Exit the editor

--------  images.conf or images-metric.conf

      --  If this is a new install, skip to To upgrade, you will need 
          to copy the new extended data image definitions from the distribution 
          example file images.conf (images-metric.conf) found in 
          The new definitions begin with the heading:
          "#################  V P  P L U S  D A T A  B U C K E T S  #################"
          Copy all definitions below this heading to your existing images.conf 
          (images-metric.conf) file.
      --  Edit /etc/wview/images.conf (images-metric.conf if a metric station)
      --  Starting at the VP Plus Data Buckets header, enable all desired sensor
          images by removing all "#" characters from the beginning of the line.
          Remember, if you don't have the physical sensor installed on your 
          station, you should not enable the corresponding images for it - it 
          only wastes resources. At a minimum, it is safe to enable Radiation, 
          UV and ET images if you have a Plus station.
      --  For each new image you have enabled, translate or edit the title and 
          units strings as needed (no spaces in the units label).
      --  Save and Exit the editor

--------  html-templates.conf

      --  Edit /etc/wview/html-templates.conf
      --  Replace the corresponding old references with:
          Leave index.htx unchanged.
      --  Save and Exit the editor

--------  index.htx

      --  Copy the Plus index.htx template over the standard file:
          cp /etc/wview/html/index_Plus.htx /etc/wview/html/index.htx
      --  Edit the index.htx file as usual to customize for your station,
          language and content preferences.

--------  Current_Plus.htx

      --  If upgrading, copy the example Current_Plus.htx file from
          the distribution to your wview config tree:
          cp wview-x.y.z/examples/html/Current_Plus.htx /etc/wview/html
      --  Edit /etc/wview/html/Current_Plus.htx as usual to customize 
          for your station, language and content preferences.
      --  Save and Exit the editor

--------  Daily_Plus.htx

      --  If upgrading, copy the example Daily_Plus.htx file from
          the distribution to your wview config tree:
          cp wview-x.y.z/examples/html/Daily_Plus.htx /etc/wview/html
      --  Edit /etc/wview/html/Daily_Plus.htx
      --  Delete all extended data image references that are NOT supported by
          your station. Find the comment lines:
          !-- ***** Extended Data Begin ***** --
            [extended sensor image references]
          !-- ***** Extended Data End ***** --
          and delete all non-supported sensor images. The extended sensor images
          remaining should match the "Day" images you enabled in images.conf 
      --  Edit /etc/wview/html/Daily_Plus.htx as usual to customize 
          for your station, language and content preferences.
      --  Save and Exit the editor

--------  Monthly_Plus.htx

      --  If upgrading, copy the example Monthly_Plus.htx file from
          the distribution to your wview config tree:
          cp wview-x.y.z/examples/html/Monthly_Plus.htx /etc/wview/html
      --  Edit /etc/wview/html/Monthly_Plus.htx
      --  Delete all extended data image references that are NOT supported by
          your station. Find the comment lines:
          !-- ***** Extended Data Begin ***** --
            [extended sensor image references]
          !-- ***** Extended Data End ***** --
          and delete all non-supported sensor images. The extended sensor images
          remaining should match the "Month" images you enabled in images.conf 
      --  Edit /etc/wview/html/Monthly_Plus.htx as usual to customize 
          for your station, language and content preferences.
      --  Save and Exit the editor

--------  Yearly_Plus.htx

      --  If upgrading, copy the example Yearly_Plus.htx file from
          the distribution to your wview config tree:
          cp wview-x.y.z/examples/html/Yearly_Plus.htx /etc/wview/html
      --  Edit /etc/wview/html/Yearly_Plus.htx
      --  Delete all extended data image references that are NOT supported by
          your station. Find the comment lines:
          !-- ***** Extended Data Begin ***** --
            [extended sensor image references]
          !-- ***** Extended Data End ***** --
          and delete all non-supported sensor images. The extended sensor images
          remaining should match the "Year" images you enabled in images.conf 
      --  Edit /etc/wview/html/Yearly_Plus.htx as usual to customize 
          for your station, language and content preferences.
      --  Save and Exit the editor

7.3 Vaisala WXT-510

7.3.1 Overview
The Vaisala WXT-510 Weather Transmitter is a semi-professional instrument 
about the size of a 2 liter bottle of Coke. Ultrasonic wind speed sensors, 
non-tipping rain/hail measurement and low power are a few of the nice features 
of this station. A very simple NMEA 0183 protocol implementation is provided 
to retrieve the readings. Choose Station Type *Generic* when you run wviewconfig.

7.3.2 Preparing a WXT-510 For wview
When you built wview for the WXT-510 (configure option --enable-station-wxt510)
the wxt510config utility was built and installed as well. It simply autobauds 
the WXT-510 until it finds the station's current comm settings then resets the
station to 19200-8-N-1. wview startup will do the remaining initialization of 
the station.
To run it, determine what serial device your station is connected to, then as 
root execute:

    localhost> wxt510config [station_dev]

where [station_dev] is something like /dev/ttyS0, /dev/cuaa0, /dev/ttyUSB0, etc.

8. Metric Units and Internationalization

A configuration parameter in htmlgen.conf named "METRIC_UNITS" has been 
added that if set to "1" will cause wview to output all images (buckets and 
charts) as well as all values for HTML tags in the metric equivalents. 
The conversions are:

Temperature ........... Celsius
Barometer ............. Millibars
Wind Speed ............ Kilometers per hour
Rain .................. Centimeters
Date Format ........... YYYYMMDD

The image config file named "images-metric.conf" is used instead of 
"images.conf" if "METRIC_UNITS" is set. This file can be edited to translate 
the English labels, titles, and units to any language. By editing this file 
and the HTML template files, any language can be supported by wview. For 
existing installations, if the "METRIC_UNITS" parameter is not found in 
htmlgen.conf, wview will assume US units and no conversions will be done. 
In fact one can easily switch back and forth between US and metric units by 
toggling this configuration value and restarting wview. 

All archive data in the WLK files is still stored in US format - the 
conversions are only done for real time image and HTML file generation.

The Vantage Pro Console should be configured for US units and 0.01" rain 

9. Run Environment Description

/etc/wview - configuration files

    *.conf                  - configuration files described below
    html/*.htx              - HTML template files to be customized for your 
                              site and language
    html/parameterlist.txt  - contains the list of all available HTML tags 
                              which can be placed in *.htx template files. 
                              These tags are replaced each time htmlgend 
                              generates new image and html files.

/var/wview - run time data files

    *.pid                   - run time pid files created/deleted by the wview
                              daemons. Do NOT alter or delete these files. They 
                              should only be present if the corresponding wview 
                              daemon is running.
    archive/*.wlk           - Weatherlink format archive files, 1 per month
    dev/*                   - FIFO device files created by wview - do NOT alter 
                              or delete them
    img/*                   - default destination for generated image and HTML
                              files - in particular if subsequent ftp/ssh of 
                              files is required
    noaa/noaa.dat           - NOAA data file

10. Configuration Files Description

1) wview.conf           - configures the wview console interface daemon.
                          Automatically generated/updated by the wviewconfig 

2) htmlgen.conf         - configures the html generator daemon
                          Automatically generated/updated by the wviewconfig 

3) wviewftp.conf        - defines the connection information and files to be
                          transfered by the wviewftpd daemon. If absent (or 
                          renamed), the wviewftpd daemon will not run. This is 
                          the default and a way to disable the wviewftpd daemon.
                          Requires manual editing by user.

4) wviewssh.conf        - defines the connection information and directory to
                          be synced by the rsync/ssh daemon. If absent (or 
                          renamed), the wviewsshd daemon will not run. This is 
                          the default and a way to disable the wviewsshd daemon.
                          Requires manual editing by user.

5) wvalarm.conf         - defines the alarm types, thresholds and actions for 
                          the wvalarmd daemon. If absent (or renamed), the 
                          wvalarmd daemon will not run. This is the default 
                          and a way to disable the wvalarmd daemon.
                          Requires manual editing by user.

6) images.conf          - defines which built-in images should be generated -
                          do NOT place user defined images in this file. This
                          file provides a list of the image files generated by
                          wview which can be used in HTML templates.
                          Requires manual editing by user.

7) images-metric.conf   - defines which built-in images should be generated
                          for Metric units and values. Edit this file to
                          translate the English labels, titles and units
                          to any language you prefer - the charts and buckets
                          will be generated using the new language. This
                          file provides a list of the image files generated by
                          wview which can be used in HTML templates.
                          Requires manual editing by user.

8) images-user.conf     - defines user-defined images to be generated - note
                          that the corresponding image generator must be 
                          provided in the ".../htmlgenerator/images-user.c"
                          source file and listed in the "user_generators"
                          jump table at the bottom of the source file. The
                          index within the jump table should be referenced
                          from the "images-user.conf" file. These files can be
                          saved from the source tree when upgrading and copied
                          back to preserve user image definitions.
                          Requires manual editing by user.

9) html-templates.conf  - defines the html templates to be used for html
                          generation. User-defined templates may be listed
                          here so long as they utilize the tags as defined
                          in ".../examples/html/parameterlist.txt".
                          Requires manual editing by user.

10) forecast.conf       - defines the icon files and forecast text strings to 
                          be associated with the VP forecast icon and forecast 
                          rule values. Icon image file examples are found in 
                          wview-x.y.z/bin/img and can be copied to your weather 
                          web site. If you change the defaults in forecast.conf,
                          you will need to copy your new icon files to your 
                          weather web site.
                          See wview-x.y.z/examples/html/parameterlist.txt to 
                          find all available html tags including the forecast 
                          icon and rule tags. If absent (or renamed), no 
                          forecast icon or rule text will be stored or 
                          substituted for the corresponding html tags. This is 
                          the default and the way to disable the forecast 
                          storage and processing.
                          Requires manual editing by user.

11) arcrec-header.conf  - allows user configuration of the header written to 
                          each day's browser file. The default is English, but 
                          any language can be supported by changing the contents
                          of this file. Remember to keep column alignment in 
                          mind when changing this file. Total header size is 
                          limited to 1024 characters - this is the sum of all 
                          lines in arcrec-header.conf.
                          Requires manual editing by user.

12) wvcwop.conf         - CWOP daemon configuration file. If absent (or renamed), 
                          the wvcwopd daemon will not run. This is the default 
                          and a way to disable the wvcwopd daemon.
                          Automatically generated/updated by the wviewconfig 

13) wvwunder.conf       - Weather Underground daemon configuration file. If 
                          absent (or renamed), the wvwunderd daemon will not run. 
                          This is the default and a way to disable the wvwunderd 
                          Automatically generated/updated by the wviewconfig 

Note: See the example config files for format descriptions.

11. Using a MySQL or PostgreSQL Server to Store Archive Data

11.1  Installation and Setup

11.1a  MySQL-Specific Setup (MySQL 3.X and 4.X)

11.1a.1  Connect to the MySQL server:
          mysql -u root -p
11.1a.2  Create the wview database: 
          CREATE DATABASE wviewDB;
          Note: wviewDB should be the same value specified in wview.conf for 

11.1a.3  Create the user account and password for the new database: 
          GRANT ALL ON wviewDB.* TO wvwuser@localhost IDENTIFIED BY "wvwpasswd";
          Note: wvwuser and wvwpasswd should be the same values specified in 
                wview.conf for SQLDB_USERNAME and SQLDB_PASSWORD respectively.

11.1a.4  Make sure mysqlclient libraries are installed:
          find /usr -name "mysql*" -print
         If you do not see the files libmysqlclient.a and mysql.h in the output,
         it isn't installed. Install the version matching your mysql server that
         is currently installed.

11.1b  PostgreSQL-Specific Setup

       NOTE: The PostgreSQL user created when you setup PostgreSQL will 
             either be pgsql or postgres. pgsql is used for this example.

11.1b.1  Create a PostgreSQL user for a unix login user (dbadmin must be a 
         valid non-root account on the wview server):

          Login to the PostgreSQL account:
          root@wview_server:# su pgsql
          Create an administrative user based on a unix account:
          pgsql@wview_server:# /usr/local/bin/createuser dbadmin
          Answer the questions:
          Shall the new user be allowed to create databases? (y/n) y
          Shall the new user be allowed to create more new users? (y/n) y
          PostgreSQL acknowledgement:
          CREATE USER
          Logout of the PostgreSQL account:
          pgsql@wview_server:# logout

11.1b.2  Create the wview database:

          Login to the admin account:
          root@wview_server:# su dbadmin
          Create the wview database:
          dbadmin@wview_server:# /usr/local/bin/createdb wviewDB

          Note: wviewDB should be the same value specified in wview.conf for 

          PostgreSQL acknowledgement:

11.1b.3  Create the wview user account for the wview database:

          Connect to the PostgreSQL server:
          dbadmin@wview_server:# /usr/local/bin/psql dbTestDB
          Create the user account and password for the wview database: 
          mydb=# create user wvwuser with password 'wvwpasswd';

          Note: wvwuser and wvwpasswd should be the same values specified in 
                wview.conf for SQLDB_USERNAME and SQLDB_PASSWORD respectively.

          PostgreSQL acknowledgement:
          CREATE USER
          Disconnect from the server and logout of the admin account:
          mydb=# \q
          dbadmin@wview_server:# logout

11.1b.4  Make sure the PostgreSQL development library is installed:
          find /usr -name "libpq.a" -print
          If you do not see the file libpq.a in the output, it isn't installed. 
          Install the version matching your PostgreSQL server that is installed.

11.1.5  Build radlib with database support:
        cd [radlib source location]
        make distclean                  # if it had been previously built
        ./configure --enable-mysql
        make install
        ./configure --enable-pgresql
        make install

11.1.6  Build wview with database support:
        cd [wview source location]
        make distclean                  # if it had been previously built

        ./configure [station_enable_str] --enable-mysql
        make install
        ./configure [station_enable_str] --enable-pgresql
        make install

        If there are build errors here, it is probably because you do not have
        the client development library installed.

11.1.7  Add database configuration to /etc/wview/wview.conf:
        Append the following if it is not already there:

[text begin]    
SQLDB_ENABLE[1]=1                 # Set to 1 to enable SQL DB archive storage
SQLDB_EXTENDED_INFO[1]=0          # Store extended weather data (VP Plus)          
SQLDB_STORE_METRIC[1]=0           # Set to 1 if metric values should be stored
SQLDB_HOST[1]=localhost           # DB server hostname or IP address
SQLDB_USERNAME[1]=wvwuser         # DB server username to connect with
SQLDB_PASSWORD[1]=wvwpasswd       # DB server password to connect with
SQLDB_TABLE_NAME[1]=archive       # DB table name where archive records are stored
[text end]
        If you have a Vantage Pro Plus with the extra sensors for UV, soil 
        moisture, etc., and you want to archive this extra data, set
        SQLDB_EXTENDED_INFO to 1 (this will more than double your database 
        storage requirements).

11.2  Storage Requirements

      Each archive record will require 76 bytes plus the database overhead.
      Bytes/Day = ~100 * (60/ ArchiveInterval) * 24
      For a 5 minute archive interval, this is 28,800 bytes ~= 28 KB/day
      or ~10.5 MB/year.
      If SQLDB_EXTENDED_INFO is enabled, it will more than double the size of
      each record, so assume 25-30 MB/year.

11.3  SQL Database Record Format

Column Name        Format       Comment
-----------        ------       -------

---[Standard Values]---

RecordTime         DATETIME
ArcInt             INT          Archive Interval (minutes)    
OutTemp            FLOAT  
HiOutTemp          FLOAT  
LowOutTemp         FLOAT  
InTemp             FLOAT  
Barometer          FLOAT  
OutHumid           FLOAT  
InHumid            FLOAT  
Rain               FLOAT  
HiRainRate         FLOAT  
WindSpeed          FLOAT  
HiWindSpeed        FLOAT  
WindDir            INT          Value = -1 if undefined in the Archive Record
HiWindDir          INT          Value = -1 if undefined in the Archive Record
Dewpoint           FLOAT  
WindChill          FLOAT  
HeatIndex          FLOAT  

---[Extended Values]---

solarRad           INT          Value = -1 if undefined in the Archive Record
hiSolarRad         INT          Value = -1 if undefined in the Archive Record
UV                 FLOAT        Value = -1 if undefined in the Archive Record
hiUV               FLOAT        Value = -1 if undefined in the Archive Record
ET                 FLOAT        Value = -1 if undefined in the Archive Record
leafTemp1          INT          Value = -1 if undefined in the Archive Record
leafTemp2          INT          Value = -1 if undefined in the Archive Record
leafTemp3          INT          Value = -1 if undefined in the Archive Record
leafTemp4          INT          Value = -1 if undefined in the Archive Record
leafWet1           INT          Value = -1 if undefined in the Archive Record
leafWet2           INT          Value = -1 if undefined in the Archive Record
leafWet3           INT          Value = -1 if undefined in the Archive Record
leafWet4           INT          Value = -1 if undefined in the Archive Record
soilTemp1          INT          Value = -1 if undefined in the Archive Record
soilTemp2          INT          Value = -1 if undefined in the Archive Record
soilTemp3          INT          Value = -1 if undefined in the Archive Record
soilTemp4          INT          Value = -1 if undefined in the Archive Record
soilTemp5          INT          Value = -1 if undefined in the Archive Record
soilTemp6          INT          Value = -1 if undefined in the Archive Record
soilMoist1         INT          Value = -1 if undefined in the Archive Record
soilMoist2         INT          Value = -1 if undefined in the Archive Record
soilMoist3         INT          Value = -1 if undefined in the Archive Record
soilMoist4         INT          Value = -1 if undefined in the Archive Record
soilMoist5         INT          Value = -1 if undefined in the Archive Record
soilMoist6         INT          Value = -1 if undefined in the Archive Record

12. Setting Up FTP Transfers

12.1  tnftp

   wview's ftp daemon requires the tnftp utility which is standard for all BSD
   distributions and some linux distributions such as SuSE. Others, such as 
   RedHat and Fedora Core, have the vanilla FTP client which is almost useless.
   In this case you are going to have to replace the old FTP client with tnftp.
   To determine if you have tnftp installed, execute the following:

    localhost:~> /usr/bin/ftp
    ftp> status
    Not connected.
    No proxy connection.
    Gate ftp: off, server (none), port ftpgate.
    Passive mode: on; fallback to active mode: on.
    Mode: ; Type: ; Form: ; Structure: .
    Verbose: on; Bell: off; Prompting: on; Globbing: on.
    Store unique: off; Receive unique: off.
    Preserve modification times: on.
    Case: off; CR stripping: on.
    Ntrans: off.
    Nmap: off.
    Hash mark printing: off; Mark count: 1024; Progress bar: on.
    Get transfer rate throttle: off; maximum: 0; increment 1024.
    Put transfer rate throttle: off; maximum: 0; increment 1024.
    Socket buffer sizes: send 32768, receive 65536.
    Use of PORT cmds: on.
    Use of EPSV/EPRT cmds for IPv4: on.
    Command line editing: on.
    Version: NetBSD-ftp 20040410  -OR-
    Version: tnftp                -OR-
    Version: lukemftp
    ftp> quit
    The key in this output is the Version line: NetBSD-ftp or tnftp or lukemftp is 
    what we are looking for. If you don't get similar output, you need to install tnftp.

   To install tnftp, do the following:

   Download from here: ftp://ftp.netbsd.org/pub/NetBSD/misc/lukemftp/tnftp-20050625.tar.gz

   Extract it: tar zxvf tnftp-20050625.tar.gz
   cd to the directory: cd tnftp-20050625
   Then execute the following as root (you can cut and paste these commands):
    make install
    mv /usr/bin/ftp /usr/bin/ftp-old
    ln -s /usr/local/bin/ftp /usr/bin/ftp
    If /usr/kerberos/bin/ftp exists:
    mv /usr/kerberos/bin/ftp /usr/kerberos/bin/ftp-old
    ln -s /usr/local/bin/ftp /usr/kerberos/bin/ftp

12.2  Remote Server Directory Setup

   wviewftpd will place all files it transfers into the [conf_directory]/img 
   directory under your ftp login directory on the remote server.
   [conf_directory] is the value of the "directory" configuration value in

      localhost:~> telnet [remote_host]
      username: [remote_username]
      password: [remote_password]
      [remote_host]:~> mkdir -p [conf_directory]/img
      [remote_host]:~> logout

12.3  Move Static Files to Server

   Certain files like background images and other support files are not 
   transferred by wviewftpd to conserve bandwidth, so you should place them on 
   the remote server manually before running wview with FTP enabled but after 
   having executed "make install-env" for new installs. The following command 
   is also of the same format as what wview uses, thus testing your ftp setup.
   Replace remote_username, remote_password and remote_host with the proper 
   values for your remote ftp host account. Do not add or remove spaces in this

      cd /var/wview
      /usr/bin/ftp -AiV -u ftp://remote_username:remote_password@remote_host/ img/*.*

12.4  Configure wviewftpd

   Edit /etc/wview/wviewftp.conf (if it is named wviewftp.conf-no-ftp, rename 
   it wviewftp.conf). This file contains information explaining its contents.

12.5  Start wview
      [your_distro_start_script_location]/wview start

13. Alarms and wview As a Data Feed Engine

13.1  Overview
   To implement wview alarm capability, a new daemon process has been added: 
   wvalarmd. Like the wviewftpd daemon, if the configuration file wvalarm.conf
   is not found in /etc/wview when wvalarmd starts, it will exit and alarms 
   will be disabled. wvalarmd "registers" with the wviewd daemon to receive 
   LOOP data at an interval determined by the "PUSH_INTERVAL" configuration
   value for wviewd in wview.conf (the default is every 60 seconds). When 
   a new LOOP data packet is received by wvalarmd, it checks all defined alarms
   to determine if an alarm has been triggered. If so, the alarm abatement 
   counter is initialized and the alarm binary/script is invoked with the 
   following arguments:

       argv[0]/$0         full path of binary/script being run
       argv[1]/$1         alarm type (see definitions below)
       argv[2]/$2         alarm threshold
       argv[3]/$3         value which triggered the alarm
   It is not hard to conclude the following:
       1) Multiple alarm scripts may be defined for the same LOOP data value.
       2) Multiple LOOP data values may use the same binary/script since the 
          alarm type, threshold and triggering value are all passed to the
       3) wview alarms could be used as a data feed to another application
          which requires weather data updates, you could even run an 
          "html-less" wview that does nothing more than archive weather data
          and feed current values to another application via wvalarmd.
13.1.1  Alarm Abatement - to control the frequency for which an alarm 
        script/binary is invoked while the data type is exceeding the threshold,
        an alarm configuration parameter called Abatement is provided. This is 
        simply the number of seconds after an alarm triggers to "hold off" or 
        not invoke the alarm binary/script. Once this abatement period expires,
        a new alarm binary/script invocation will occur if the alarm is 

13.1.2  Alarm Update Frequency - this is controlled by the "PUSH_INTERVAL"
        parameter in wview.conf. It is given in milliseconds. One should 
        avoid setting it to anything less than 10000 (10 seconds) - I'm 
        sure it would be fine, but you are not going to get new data updates
        from the VP Console any faster than once every 10 seconds, because
        that is controlled by the parameter described in the next section.

13.1.3  Weather Data Update Frequency - this is controlled by the 
        "ARCHIVE_INTERVAL" parameter in wview.conf. This determines how often
        the wviewd daemon polls the VP Console for current conditions. It is 
        given in milliseconds and should not reasonably be set to anything 
        less than 10000 (10 seconds), and must be an even divisor of 60000.

13.1.4  Raw Data Feeds - wvalarmd implements a TCP socket server to accept 
        connections for clients wanting a raw feed of loop packet data. See 
        the section "Socket-Based Data Feeds" below for details.

13.2  Configuration

13.2.1  /etc/wview/wview.conf  Edit /etc/wview/wview.conf  Configure the PUSH_INTERVAL parameter to your requirements. This
          value is given in milliseconds, so 60 seconds would be specified
          by a value of 60000. This determines how often wvalarmd will receive
          current conditions data.  Save and Exit the editor

13.2.2  /etc/wview/wvalarm.conf  If upgrading, copy the example file from the distribution:
          cp .../wview-x.y.z/examples/conf/wvalarm.conf-no-alarms /etc/wview/wvalarm.conf  Edit /etc/wview/wvalarm.conf  Choose your station units type by indicating "STATION_US" or
          "STATION_METRIC" in wvalarm.conf.  List your alarm definitions in the format indicated in the example
          wvalarm.conf file.  Save and Exit the editor

13.2.3  Scripts: /etc/wview/alarms/*.sh  If using notification scripts, they should be placed in 
          /etc/wview/alarms and will receive the arguments described above
          when invoked.  There are a few example scripts in the distribution directory
          .../wview-x.y.z/examples/alarms - these will be copied to 
          /etc/wview/alarms for new installs which build with the "install-env"
          target or can be copied there when upgrading an existing installation.  If using custom binaries, make note of the arguments passed to the
          binary above.  The example scripts log alarm events to a log file: 
          /var/wview/alarms/alarm.log. This may be a feature you want to keep -
          even if you are doing other things in your alarm notification 

13.2.4  Update the wview startup script

      Whether you are upgrading or this is a fresh install, you need to copy 
      the latest wview startup script from the distro to the proper location 
      so that the alarm daemon is started:
         cp .../wview-x.y.z/examples/FreeBSD/wview /etc/rc.d
            cp .../wview-x.y.z/examples/SuSE/wview /etc/init.d
          cp .../wview-x.y.z/examples/RedHat/wview /etc/rc.d/init.d
          cp .../wview-x.y.z/examples/RedHat/wview /etc/rc.d/init.d

13.3  Alarm Type Definitions

   Type (wvalarm.conf)       Value (passed to script/binary)
   ----------------------    -------------------------------
   Barometer                 0
   InsideTemp                1
   InsideHumidity            2
   OutsideTemp               3
   WindSpeed                 4
   TenMinuteAvgWindSpeed     5
   WindDirection             6
   OutsideHumidity           7
   RainRate                  8
   StormRain                 9
   DayRain                   10
   MonthRain                 11
   YearRain                  12
   TxBatteryStatus           13
   ConsoleBatteryVoltage     14
   DewPoint                  15
   WindChill                 16
   HeatIndex                 17
   Radiation                 18
   UV                        19
   ET                        20
   ExtraTemp1                21
   ExtraTemp2                22
   ExtraTemp3                23
   SoilTemp1                 24
   SoilTemp2                 25
   SoilTemp3                 26
   SoilTemp4                 27
   LeafTemp1                 28
   LeafTemp2                 29
   ExtraHumid1               30
   ExtraHumid2               31

13.4  Getting a "Warm Fuzzy"

   To get an idea how it works and to gain familiarity with configuration, do
   the following:
13.4.1  Stop wview as you normally would:
            [FreeBSD]   /etc/rc.d/wview stop            -OR-
            [SuSE]      /etc/init.d/wview stop          -OR-
            [RH/Fedora] /etc/rc.d/init.d/wview stop

13.4.2  Enable Alarms - rename the example config file wvalarm.conf-no-alarms
        to wvalarm.conf in your /etc/wview configuration directory

13.4.3  Configure the Update Interval - edit /etc/wview/wview.conf and set the
        update interval to 60 seconds (PUSH_INTERVAL[1]=60000)

13.4.4  Get Example Alarm Scripts
        New Installs: 
            make install-env
            mkdir /etc/wview/alarms
            mkdir /var/wview/alarms
            cp wview-x.y.z/examples/alarms/* /etc/wview/alarms
13.4.5  Edit the Thresholds - edit wvalarm.conf for thresholds very near 
        (or already "past") your current outside temperature

13.4.6  Copy the new wview start script:
        [FreeBSD]   cp .../wview-x.y.z/examples/FreeBSD/wview /etc/rc.d
        [SuSE]      cp .../wview-x.y.z/examples/SuSE/wview /etc/init.d
        [RH/Fedora] cp .../wview-x.y.z/examples/RedHat/wview /etc/rc.d/init.d

13.4.7  Start wview as you normally would:
        [FreeBSD]   /etc/rc.d/wview start           -OR-
        [SuSE]      /etc/init.d/wview start         -OR-
        [RH/Fedora] /etc/rc.d/init.d/wview start

13.4.8  Watch the magic:
            tail -f /var/wview/alarms/alarm.log

13.5  Socket-Based Data Feeds

13.5.1  Overview
      For true data feeds, wvalarmd provides a socket server which listens on 
      port 11011 of the wview server for connections. When a datafeed client 
      connects on that port, wvalarmd adds the client to the datafeed client 
      list. Then when loop data is received from wviewd, wvalarmd will write 
      the loop packet into each datafeed client's socket, preceded by a start 
      frame sequence. It is a one-way interface and the client may disconnect 
      at any time by calling "shutdown" followed by "close" to close the 
      socket. The number of active client connections is only limited by system 
      resources. The datafeed client will receive the full loop packet as 
      defined in common/datadefs.h - see the structure "LOOP_PKT".

13.5.2  Configuration
      None required for socket data feeds, just the normal PUSH_INTERVAL setup 
      described above. No alarm entries are required in wvalarm.conf for 
      datafeed clients.

13.5.2  Client Requirements
      The datafeed sockets are regular TCP/stream PF_INET sockets. The general 
      connection steps (in C) are as follows:
        socket (...)        // create the socket descriptor
        [setup server address and port in socckaddr_in structure]
        connect (...)
      The client then may add the socket descriptor to an fdset for select 
      calls, simply block on the socket for reads, however you want to design 
      it. Other programming language procedures may differ, but the general 
      approach should be the same.
      Normal Processing "Loop":
      1) Wait for data on the socket
      2) Sync to the start frame sequence: 0xF388, 0xC6A2, 0xDADA, 0xE7CF
      3) Read loop packet
      4) Process loop packet
      5) Goto #1
      To disconnect:
        shutdown (sockfd, 2)
        close (sockfd)
      Note: There is a handy new radlib socket API which is illustrated in the 
            sample datafeed client source code which takes care of most of the 
            above procedure for you.

13.5.3  Running the Example Datafeed Client
      The directory alarms/sample-datafeed-client contains a simple client 
      example including Makefile. It accepts an argument for host but will 
      use "localhost" if none is given. It connects to the wvalarmd server 
      and logs the current temperature when loop packets are received.  Build the example client:
        (radlib-2.1.0 or higher is required)
        cd alarms/sample-datafeed-client
        make (or "gmake" for *BSD)  Run it:
        (with wview already running)
        ./datafeedClient [wview_hostname]  Watch the system log for wvalarmd connection messages and update 
          messages from the example client:
        tail -f /var/log/messages  Kill the example client:
        Either "ctrl-c" if you ran it in the foreground, or "kill -15 [pid]" 
        if you backgrounded it when you started it.  Testing multiple clients:
        Just repeatedly run the datafeed client application - each client 
        will have its own socket connection to wview. Kill them as described 
        above when you are done.

14. Secure File Transfer (rsync/ssh)

14.1  Overview
   A new wview daemon has been added to support secure file transfers to 
   remote servers: wviewsshd. It is enabled or disabled in the same way that
   the wviewftpd and wvalarmd daemons are - by the presence or absence of the
   respective config files. All three of these utility daemons are disabled
   in the standard distribution because the config file names are all appended
   with "-no-[function]", i.e. "wviewssh.conf-no-ssh". The secure updates are 
   performed using rsync over an ssh session. To work properly, the wview
   server must be able to login and/or execute commands on the destination 
   server via ssh WITHOUT entering a password. This is accomplished by copying
   the wview server's root account shared ssh key to the remote server's 
   login account.
   Suggestion: Don't mix hostname with IP address for the remote server during
               the configuration below. Decide NOW whether you are going to use
               a hostname or an IP address, and use it consistently for all
               references to [remote_host] below. ssh does make a distinction
               when storing and verifying shared keys.

   [remote_host]             - the host we want to update
   [ssh_login_user]          - the user account name on the [remote_host] we
                               want to use for the ssh logins
   [remote_test_dir]         - remote directory to receive files, relative
                               to the [ssh_login_user] login home directory
                               *[ssh_login_user] must have write access to this 
   [wview_server]            - the wview host
   Note: I have included prompts of the form "username@host:# " to help
         clarify what is being executed on what host. Your actual shell
         prompts may be different, this is only for clarity in this procedure.

   Note: This procedure assumes compatible versions of ssh - version 1 and 
         version 2 of openssh have compatability problems as well as with 
         ssh.com versions 1 and 2. If you are having problems with the setup,
         I strongly suggest going to the following URL for advanced help:

14.2  Prerequisites

14.2.1  Verify rsync is installed on the wview server:
        root@[wview_server]:# whereis rsync
        If that doesn't produce /usr/bin/rsync or similar, install rsync.

14.2.2  Verify rsync is installed on the remote host:

        root@[wview_server]:# ssh -l [ssh_login_user] [remote_host]
        [enter password]
        [ssh_login_user]@[remote_host]:# whereis rsync
        If that doesn't produce /usr/bin/rsync or similar, install rsync.
        [ssh_login_user]@[remote_host]:# exit 

14.3  ssh Shared Key Setup

14.3.1  Generate a public/private key pair for the root user on the wview
        server (if it does not already exist) (execute as the root user):
        root@[wview_server]:# mkdir -p ~/.ssh
        root@[wview_server]:# ssh-keygen -t rsa
        Just hit enter for default values when asked questions.
        This will create two files, we are interested in the ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub

14.3.2  Transfer id_rsa.pub to [remote_host]. Use ftp, scp, email, floppy 
        disk, whatever you want to get this file to the remote host.

14.3.3  Login to [remote_host] as [ssh_login_user] and append the contents of 
        id_rsa.pub into ~/.ssh/authorized_keys (if authorized_keys does not 
        exist, just rename id_rsa.pub to authorized_keys).
        root@[wview_server]:# ssh -l [ssh_login_user] [remote_host]
        [enter password]
        [ssh_login_user]@[remote_host]:# mkdir -p ~/.ssh
        [ssh_login_user]@[remote_host]:# cd ~/.ssh
        [ssh_login_user]@[remote_host]:# cat id_rsa.pub >> authorized_keys
        Stay logged in - we need it for the next step.

14.3.4  As [ssh_login_user] on [remote_host], ssh into the wview server as root, 
        answer "yes" if this is the first time, then logout. This sets the 
        wview server up in the remote server login account's "known_hosts" file.
        [ssh_login_user]@[remote_host]:# ssh -l root [wview_server]
        [enter password]
        root@[wview_server]:# exit
        Now, exit the original ssh session:
        [ssh_login_user]@[remote_host]:# exit

14.3.5  As root on the wview server, ssh into [remote_host] as [ssh_login_user],
        answer "yes" if this is the first time, then logout. This sets the 
        [remote_host] up in the wview server root account's "known_hosts" file.
        root@[wview_server]:# ssh -l [ssh_login_user] [remote_host]
        [no password should be required!]
        [ssh_login_user]@[remote_host]:# exit

14.3.6  Finally, we need to set up ssh for the root user so that when 
        [remote_host] is logged into, ssh uses [ssh_login_user] instead of
        root for the login on [remote_host]. This must be done for every 
        [remote_host] entry in wviewssh.conf. This is what specifies which 
        user account is used for the ssh login to each [remote_host].
        Edit /root/.ssh/config and put the following at the top of the file
        (just create a new file if it does not exist):
        [text start]
        Host [remote_host]
        User [ssh_login_user]
        [text end]
        Save and exit that file.

14.3.7  Mandatory Tests - these must succeed before going any further:

        As root on the wview server execute:
        root@[wview_server]:# ssh [remote_host]

        You should be logged in to [remote_host] as [ssh_login_user] without 
        entering a password.
        Exit the remote host shell:
        [ssh_login_user]@[remote_host]:# exit

        You should now be able to remotely execute commands over ssh. Verify 
        this by executing the date command from the wview server as root: 
        root@[wview_server]:# ssh [remote_host] date

        This MUST execute without requiring a password. If it does not, go back
        to the beginning of shared key setup and double check your steps.
        DO NOT proceed if you cannot login/execute commands remotely as
        [ssh_login_user] without a password. This is critical! There is much 
        online documentation concerning ssh setup, this is only a bare-bones
        treatment of the subject.

14.4  Confirming rsync Functionality

14.4.1  Place files in /var/wview/img (if it is not already your "IMAGE_PATH"
        in htmlgen.conf):
        root@[wview_server]:# cp [some_test_files] /var/wview/img

14.4.2  Create/Verify the destination path on the remote server 
        (as [ssh_login_user]):
        root@[wview_server]:# ssh [remote_host]
        [you are now logged in as [ssh_login_user] without a password, right?]
        [ssh_login_user]@[remote_host]:# cd ~  
        [this is your ssh login directory - all wviewssh.conf destination
        paths are relative to this directory]
        [ssh_login_user]@[remote_host]:# mkdir -p [remote_test_dir]
        Note: [remote_test_dir] is a relative path from the [ssh_login_user] 
              login directory - it CANNOT contain a leading "slash".


        [ssh_login_user]@[remote_host]:# exit
14.4.3  Test rsync over ssh from the wview server:
        root@[wview_server]:# rsync -aqz --rsh=ssh /var/wview/img/ [remote_host]:[remote_test_dir]

        This should transfer the files you placed in /var/wview/img to the 
        remote server in the [remote_test_dir] directory without a password
        being required.
        *****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*****
        wview ssh file transfer capability will NOT work until you can
        successfully execute this command from the wview server and verify 
        the file transfers on the remote server.
        *****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*****

14.5  Configuring wview For Secure Transfers

14.5.1  Stop wview as you normally would:
            [FreeBSD]   /etc/rc.d/wview stop            -OR-

            [SuSE]      /etc/init.d/wview stop          -OR-
            [RH/Fedora] /etc/rc.d/init.d/wview stop

14.5.2a If updating, copy the wviewssh.conf script to your server:
        cp .../wview-x.y.z/examples/conf/wviewssh.conf-no-ssh /etc/wview/wviewssh.conf

14.5.2b If a new install, rename the config file:
        mv /etc/wview/wviewssh.conf-no-ssh /etc/wview/wviewssh.conf

14.5.3  Copy the new wview start script which will start the wviewsshd daemon:
        [FreeBSD]   cp .../wview-x.y.z/examples/FreeBSD/wview /etc/rc.d
        [SuSE]      cp .../wview-x.y.z/examples/SuSE/wview /etc/init.d
        [RH/Fedora] cp .../wview-x.y.z/examples/Fedora/wview /etc/rc.d/init.d

14.5.4  Edit /etc/wview/wviewssh.conf, adding one or more transfer rules:
#Interval Source                        Remote Host               Remote Destination
#-------- ----------------------------- ------------------------- ---------------------------
1         /var/wview/img                [remote_host]             [remote_test_dir]

        The example file contains a full description of the columns.
        Each [remote_host] entry must have a corresponding "Host" entry in
        /root/.ssh/config which specifies the login account ([ssh_login_user]) 
        to use for ssh. See section 14.3 above. Further, the procedures outlined 
        in sections 14.2-14.4 MUST be followed for each unique [remote_host] 
        [ssh_login_user] combination.

14.5.5  Start wview as you normally would:
            [FreeBSD]   /etc/rc.d/wview start           -OR-
            [SuSE]      /etc/init.d/wview start         -OR-
            [RH/Fedora] /etc/rc.d/init.d/wview start

15. Miscellaneous

15.1  Observing wview Operation

   wview logs quite a bit of information about what is being initialized, 
   daemons started, etc. in the system log file /var/log/messages. This is 
   where to go to try to investigate a startup problem or just observe what 
   wview is "doing".
   On the other hand, once you get everything set up the way you want, you 
   can disable informational logs if you are concerned about how quickly your 
   /var/log/messages file is rolling over (you are rotating your log files, 
   right?). Set VERBOSE_MSGS=0 in /etc/wview/wview.conf to disable 
   informational log entries. You can always re-enable it if you need the 

15.2  Notes On Console Poll Timer Settings

   The ARCHIVE_INTERVAL setting in wview.conf MUST be less than or equal 
   to 60000 (60 seconds), and it must be an even divisor of 60000.

   If the value found in wview.conf does not meet these criteria, wviewd
   will default to 30 seconds.

15.3  Notes On Generation Timer Settings

   The htmlgen.conf variables START_OFFSET and GENERATE_INTERVAL control when
   and how often the image and HTML generation occurs. Some examples:

   Start at 0 minutes past the next 5 minute mark (0, 5, 10, ...) and then
   generate every 1 minutes - Once it starts, it will generate ~10 seconds 
   past every minute of each hour

   Start at 2 minutes past the next 5 minute mark (0, 5, 10, ...) and then
   generate every 5 minutes - Once it starts, it will generate ~10 seconds 
   past the 5 minute plus 2 mark (2, 7, 12, 17, 22, ...) of each hour

   Start at 3 minutes past the next 5 minute mark (0, 5, 10, ...) and then
   generate every 10 minutes - Once it starts, it will generate ~10 seconds 
   past one of the following: (3, 13, 23, ...) or (8, 18, 28, ...) minutes of 
   each hour

Note: Archive records are received within the first minute of the 
      archive interval position in the hour.
          For 5 minute archive interval: 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, ...
          For 30 minute archive interval: 0, 30
      Thus in order to insure you get the newest archive data in the 
      generation, unless you are using a 1 minute GENERATE_INTERVAL, you 
      should use an offset of 1 or greater.

15.4  Notes on Image Generation

   The daily historical charts are generated using the archive records from 
   the last 24 hours. The granularity depends upon your archive interval 
   choice. These charts are updated at the same frequency as the archive 
   interval to include the last archive interval.

   The 28-day historical charts are generated using the hourly average of 
   archive records for the last 28 days. These charts are updated once per
   hour to include the last hour's averages.

   The 365-day historical charts are generated using the daily average of
   archive records for the last 365 days. These charts are updated once per 
   day (12:01AM) to include the last day's averages.

15.5  Tweaking Your Barometric Pressure

      Sometimes it is necessary to calibrate your VP console barometer. To do 
      this we use the vpconfig utility.

15.5.1  Stop wview.
        /etc/rc.d/init.d/wview stop (or where your wview start script is located)

15.5.2  Change your elevation.
        /usr/local/bin/vpconfig /dev/ttyS0 setelevation [new value in feet]
        (this assumes a prefix of /usr/local and serial device being /dev/ttyS0)

15.5.3  Restart wview.
        /etc/rc.d/init.d/wview start

      Note: the VP console takes a few minutes to "digest" the new elevation 
            and barometric pressure values my be skewed until it normalizes.

15.6  vpconfig Usage

      Note 1: It is not advisable to use vpconfig to change the archive 
              interval or rain season start after the initial configuration 
              (using vpinstall). This will skew your rain season totals or 
              render your archived data unusable. If you do change the archive 
              interval after records have been stored by wview, you will need 
              to delete all archive data in /var/wview/archive/*.wlk before 
              restarting wview.
      Note 2: You MUST stop wview before using vpconfig to view or change 

      Usage: vpconfig [station_dev] [command] [cmnd_args]

      station_dev  serial device the VP console is connected to:
                    FreeBSD: /dev/cuaa0 - /dev/cuaa4
                    Linux:   /dev/ttyS0 - /dev/ttyS4

      command      command to execute, one of:
                       - retrieve and display VP console config
                       - clear the archive memory without changing the interval
                     setinterval [interval in minutes]
                       - set the archive interval (this clears the archive memory)
                     setelevation [elevation in feet]
                       - set the station elevation (feet) - use this to adjust barometer
                     setgain [0 for off, 1 for on]
                       - sets the gain of the radio receiver
                     setlatlong [latitude (negative for S)] [longitude (negative for W)]
                       - set the station latitude and longitude in tenths of a degree
                     setrainseasonstart [month (1-12)]
                       - set the month that the yearly rain total begins

15.7  Ethernet Setup for the GW21E Serial Server

15.7.1  Configure your GW21E IP address as described in the GW21E Quickstart 

15.7.2  Telnet into the GW21E (admin,NULL)

15.7.3  Set Serial Server parameters and Packet Delimiter so that your config
        looks like:

        root@localhost:/root/dev# telnet
        Connected to
        Escape character is '^]'.
        ABLELink Ethernet-Serial Server
        User name:admin
        Login ok
        0.Exit  1.Overview  2.Networking  3.Security  4.COM1
        Input choice and enter(0~4): 4
        1.  Link Mode (TCP Server/Virtual COM Disabled/Pair Connection Disabled/Filter disabled/3001 /Alive=10*10 sec)
        2.  COM Port (VP/RS-232/19200,None,8,1/RTS/CTS)
        3.  Keep Serial Buffer's Data While Connecting(Disabled)
        4.  Packet Delimiter (1 ms)
        5.  Accept Control Command from COM port (Disabled)
        Input choice and enter(1~5):

        Remember to use "CTRL-]" to get to the telnet prompt and type "quit" to
        exit - their utility does not have an exit path in the menu! I had to 
        quit and re-login multiple times while configuring it.
        Given the above configuration, your wview ethernet configuration should
        Host:    (whatever the IP address is that you assigned it)
        Port: 3001           (set in section 4 of the GW21E config utility)

15.8  Ethernet Setup for the Lantronix MSS1-T

15.8.1  Connect to the MSS1-T via the serial port - factory defaults are
        9600, 8N1. Login as admin, then enter "set privileged" with password 

15.8.2  Configure the MSS1-T so that your "show server" command displays:

        Lantronix MSS1 Version V3.5/5(980529)
        Type HELP at the 'Local_2> ' prompt for assistance.
        Username> admin
        Local_2> show server
           MSS1 Version V3.5/5(980529)            Uptime:                  0:06:16
           Hardware Addr: 00-80-a3-0f-f3-e2       Name/Nodenum:      MSS_0FF3E2/ 0
           Ident String: Micro Serial Server
           Inactive Timer (min):           30     Serial Delay (msec):          10
           Password Limit:                  3     Session Limit:                 4
           Queue Limit:                    32     Node/Host Limits:          50/20
        LAT  Circuit Timer (msec):         80     Keepalive Timer (sec):        20
           Multicast Timer (sec):          30     Retrans Limit:                10
        TCP/IP Address:      Subnet Mask:
           Nameserver:            (undefined)     Backup Nameserver:   (undefined)
           TCP/IP Gateway:     Backup Gateway:      (undefined)
           Domain Name:           (undefined)     Daytime Queries:         Enabled
                                                  TCP Keepalives:          Enabled
           DHCP Server:                  None     Lease Time:                 0:00
           Load Address:    00-00-00-00-00-00     Prompt:              Local_%n%P>
           Incoming Logins:  Telnet   (No Passwords Required)
           LAT Groups: 0

        The port to use on the MSS1-T is the raw mode port 3001.
        Given the above configuration, your wview ethernet configuration should
        Host:    (whatever the IP address is that you assigned it)
        Port: 3001           (not configurable)

15.9  Endian Conversion Utilities

      wview provides two command-line utilities to convert wview archive directories
      from Big Endian-to-Little Endian or Little Endian-to-Big Endian. These are 
      necessary if you want to change your wview host from a Mac/NSLU2 to a PC or
      vice versa.

15.9.1  arc_be2le

      Usage: arc-be2le [source_directory] [dest_directory]

      Convert wview archive data in [source_directory] from big endian
      to little endian then store the result in [dest_directory]

15.9.2  arc_le2be

      Usage: arc_le2be [source_directory] [dest_directory]

      Convert wview archive data in [source_directory] from little endian
      to big endian then store the result in [dest_directory]

16. CWOP - Submitting Your Data to NOAA and the CWOP System

16.1  Overview

   CWOP (Citizen Weather Observer Program, http://www.wxqa.com/) is a system by 
   which individuals with weather stations and the proper software can submit 
   their weather data to an APRS-based data storage system so that anyone, 
   including NOAA, can use the data however they see fit. There are some really 
   neat station display web sites including some java apps to look up station 
   data, position, maps, etc. 
   As an example, see http://www.findu.com/cgi-bin/wxpage.cgi?call=CW4097 
   for my weather station.
   CWOP participation requires registering for an APRS "Call Sign". Once you 
   have configured wview for CWOP properly and confirmed your data online, you
   must contact the maintainers via email to confirm your registration. Then 
   your data will be available for anyone to see and possibly be used in NOAA 
   forecast models, etc. Pretty cool, eh?

   When CWOP support is enabled and configured properly, wview will transmit 
   a new WX packet to the APRS server each time a new archive record is 
   generated. Thus archive interval drives the frequency that your CWOP data 
   will be updated.
   Supports the APRS-IS Rollover functionality by enforcing the definition of 
   3 APRS-IS server:port pairs - the goal is to avoid data loss to the CWOP 
   system caused by connection errors. Select 3 different servers from the list 
   at http://www.wxqa.com/activecwd.html - be advised, the arizona server is 
   heavily burdened and often refuses connections.

16.2  Prerequisites

   - Internet connection/firewall which allows TCP port 23 connections out
   - Accurate Latitude and Longitude values in the proper format (this is 
     not the same location info used for general station configuration, higher
     precision is required by CWOP)
   - 3 APRS Servers (see http://www.wxqa.com/activecwd.html for the list)
   - 3 APRS Port Numbers, one for each server (usually 23)
   - APRS Call Sign (CWnnnn)

16.3  Register for an APRS Call Sign (unless you already have one):


16.4  Determine your accurate latitude and longitude:


16.4  Enable CWOP support in wview:

16.4.1  You must have wview version 1.6.0 or later

16.4.2  Execute the wviewconfig script:

        [just hit return to keep your current settings when prompted]
        > Enable CWOP (Citizen Weather Observer Program) support?"
        > (0):  

        Answer with a "1" to this question - then specify the CWOP parameters as 
        Note: You must specify all 3 APRS servers - the goal is to avoid data loss

16.5  If you are upgrading from a version prior to 1.6.0, copy the new wview 
      run script including CWOP daemon support:

      cp wview-x.y.z/examples/[your_distro]/wview [your_distro_start_script_location]

16.6  Start wview

      [your_distro_start_script_location]/wview start

16.7  Check the wview logs for wvcwopd activity

      As said before, your archive interval determines how often wview will 
      update your weather data to the CWOP system. The first record should be 
      generated at the next archive record generation after wview has started.
      Confirm that wvcwop logs are indicating successful connections to the 
      APRS server. 
      Look in /var/log/messages for something similar to:
      "CWOP: configured to submit station CW4097 data to:"
      "CWOP: Primary:   socal.aprs2.net:23"
      "CWOP: Secondary: indiana.aprs2.net:23"
      "CWOP: Tertiary:  aprsfl.net:14580"
      during initialization, and:
      "CWOP-sending: CW4097>APRS,TCPXX*,qAX,CW4097:@132235z3334.14N/09654.66W_284/002g005t093P002h40b10131.wview160"
      at the arrival of each new archive record.

16.8  Confirm your data in the CWOP stream:

      Goto http://www.findu.com/cgi-bin/wxpage.cgi?call=CWxxxx where CWxxxx is 
      your Call Sign. This should start displaying your weather data graphically 
      with links on the left for looking at your raw data. Make sure it is all 
      good - there is much information and many sites to visit to help you verify 
      your data. Just start at http://www.wxqa.com/activecwd.html.

16.9  When all is good, send an email to the CWOP maintainers. Congratulations, 
      you are now contributing data for the greater good!

17. Wunderground - Submitting Your Data to Weather Underground

17.1  Overview

   The Weather Underground (www.wunderground.com/) (Wunderground) is a privately 
   held organization which provides many weather services - some free and some 
   not. Among the free services is the ability to register your weather station 
   and submit your data to them so that you can access your data and some nice 
   graphs from their site.

17.2  Prerequisites

   - Internet connection/firewall which allows HTTP connections out
   - Accurate Latitude and Longitude values in the proper format
   - libcurl, a "C" URL library distributed with the command line "curl" utility 
     (see the Prerequisites section above for details)
   - A registered Weather Underground Station ID

17.3  Register for a Weather Underground Station ID (unless you already have one):


17.4  Determine your accurate latitude and longitude:


17.4  Enable Wunderground support in wview:

17.4.1  You must have wview version 1.7.0 or later

17.4.2  Configure wview to include Wunderground support (libcurl required):

        ./configure [station_enable_str] --enable-wunderground
        make install

17.4.3  Execute the wviewconfig script:

        [just hit return to keep your current settings when prompted]
        > Enable WUNDERGROUND support?
        > (0):  

        Answer with a "1" to this question - then specify the Wunderground 
        parameters as prompted.

17.5  If you are upgrading from a version prior to 1.7.0, copy the new wview 
      run script including Wunderground daemon support:

      cp wview-x.y.z/examples/[your_distro]/wview [your_distro_start_script_location]

17.6  Start wview

      [your_distro_start_script_location]/wview start

17.7  Check the wview logs for wvwunderd activity

      Your archive interval determines how often wview will update your weather 
      data to the Wunderground system. The first record should be generated at 
      the next archive record generation after wview has started.
      Look in /var/log/messages for something similar to:
      "WUNDERGROUND: configured to submit station KTXCOLLI1 data to wunderground.com"
17.8  Confirm your data at the Wunderground server:

      Goto http://www.wunderground.com/weatherstation/WXDailyHistory.asp?ID=XXXXXXX
      where XXXXXXX is your Wunderground Station ID. This should start displaying 
      your weather data graphically and as a packet list.

18. AWEKAS - Providing Your Data to Awekas

18.1  Overview

   From the AWEKAS site (http://www.awekas.at/en/index.php):
   "AWEKAS is an acronym for "Automatisches WEtterKArten System" (= automatic 
   weather map system) and is, as the name already states, a system which produces 
   overview maps from the data from private weather stations. The values are made 
   available by the participants on their websites as Text or CSV files and are 
   collected by the programme. The process is fully automatic and always provides 
   maps with up to date weather situations."

   Simply put, if we provide the properly formatted HTML template to wview, AWEKAS
   will periodically poll the resulting HTML file for data and store it in their 
   database for online retrieval.

18.2  Configure wview to Generate the AWEKAS File

   Copy the appropriate template file (this assumes you have the latest distro HTML
   templates installed in /etc/wview/html):
   If you have a metric setup do the following:
       cp /etc/wview/html/awekas_wl.htx-metric /etc/wview/html/awekas_wl.htx

   Else if you have a US (Imperial) setup do the following:
       cp /etc/wview/html/awekas_wl.htx-us /etc/wview/html/awekas_wl.htx

   Add (or uncomment if already there) this template in /etc/wview/html-templates.conf:
       vi /etc/wview/html-templates.conf
       [Add the following lines or just remove the '#' from awekas_wl.htx if already there]
       ### AWEKAS Data Submission Template


   Restart wview:
       [your_start_script_location]/wview restart

   That's it! Once you have registered with AWEKAS this file should be polled by them
   periodically to update your station data.

19. Using a Linksys NSLU2 as the wview Host

19.1  Overview

   The Linksys NSLU2 is a network storage link which uses USB external hard 
   drives and an ethernet interface to provide Network Attached Storage (NAS)
   to the masses. This is a perfect embedded platform to use as a wview host.
   It is small, inexpensive (~$70) and uses little power. In addition, there 
   exists a mature linux hacking community which has developed an entire open 
   source distribution including a simple package management system. We will 
   use one USB port for our boot disk and root partition hard drive and the 
   other USB port for the USB-to-serial interface to the VP console. One could 
   also use one of the wview-approved terminal servers to interface the VP 
   console via ethernet.

   The distribution we will use is openslug: 

19.2  Install Openslug

   Download the openslug 2.7-beta binary: 

   Flash the NSLU2 with the openslug binary: 

   Initialize your hard disk and transfer the root filesystem:

19.3  Prepare ipkg to Use the wview Repository

   Once you have your slug (NSLU2) booting from the USB hard drive, do the 
   following to enable the wview ipkg repository:

   Obtain the wview ipkg config file:
       cd /etc/ipkg
       wget http://www.wviewweather.com/ipkg/wview.conf

   Configure ipkg:
       ipkg update

19.4  Install a USB-to-Serial Adapter Driver

   Note: If you are using a terminal server via ethernet, you can skip this step.

   The following is a list of supported USB Serial devices:

    Module Name                ipkg Name
    -----------                -------------------------------
    BELKIN                     kernel-module-belkin-sa
    CP2101                     kernel-module-cp2101
    CYPRESS_M8                 kernel-module-cypress-m8
    DIGI_ACCELEPORT            kernel-module-digi-acceleport
    EDGEPORT                   kernel-module-io-edgeport
    EDGEPORT-TI                kernel-module-io-ti
    EMPEG                      kernel-module-empeg
    FTDI_SIO                   kernel-module-ftdi-sio
    KEYSPAN                    kernel-module-keyspan
    MCT_U232                   kernel-module-mct-u232
    PL2303                     kernel-module-pl2303
    SAFE                       kernel-module-safe-serial
    TI                         kernel-module-ti-usb-3410-5052
    WHITEHEAT                  kernel-module-whiteheat

   Choose the ipkg name corresponding to your USB-to-Serial adapter - 
   to generalize we'll refer to it as [usb-pkg-name]. Use "ipkg list"
   to see descriptions of the individual packages if unsure which one 
   is right for your adapter. You will have to look in the "/dev"
   directory of your slug to determine the proper device name for your
   adapter/driver to give the wviewconfig script (after the driver is 
   installed and the USB-to-serial adapter is connected). USB adapters
   are considered serial devices by wview.

   Install the kernel module driver:
       # ipkg install [usb-pkg-name]

   Setup the module to be loaded at boot:
       (Note: [module name] is the ipkg Name above without the leading 

       # echo [module name] > /etc/modutils/[module name]
       # /usr/sbin/update-modules
       # ln -s /etc/init.d/modutils.sh /etc/rc3.d/S90modutils

19.5  Installing wview and All Prerequisites

   Install NTP and set your timezone:
       # ipkg install ntpdate
       # ntpdate ntppub.tamu.edu  (or closer ntp server you know)
       # ipkg install ntp
       # ipkg install timezones-[your continent]
       # ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/[your continent]/[Your timezone] /etc/localtime

   (Add local NTP servers to /etc/ntp.conf)

   Reboot the slug:
       # reboot

   Determine the type of wview to install:
       # ipkg list | grep wview
       wview-sim - 3.1.2-r0 - Version 3.1.2 of package wview
       wview-sim-mysql - 3.1.2-r0 - Version 3.1.2 of package wview
       wview-vpro - 3.1.2-r0 - Version 3.1.2 of package wview
       wview-vpro-mysql - 3.1.2-r0 - Version 3.1.2 of package wview
       wview-wxt510 - 3.1.2-r0 - Version 3.1.2 of package wview
       wview-wxt510-mysql - 3.1.2-r0 - Version 3.1.2 of package wview

   Install wview and dependencies:
       # ipkg install wview-[type]

   This will install radlib, gd, libpng, libjpeg, libz, libcurl and a few 
   other necessities. It will install an appropriate wview start/stop script 
   in /etc/init.d and configure it to run at boot. It will install default 
   config files in /etc/wview and a default run environment in /var/wview. 
   Note that wview binaries are installed in /usr/bin on the slug.

   Optional: If you plan to ftp your files off the slug to your webserver, you 
   will need to download the tnftp binary built for openslug 2.7-beta:
       # cd /usr/bin
       # mv /usr/bin/ftp /usr/bin/ftp-old
       # wget http://www.wviewweather.com/ipkg/tnftp
       # chmod +x tnftp
       # ln -s /usr/bin/tnftp /usr/bin/ftp
   You can also download the tnftp tarball at:
   and build tnftp natively on the slug (development setup on the slug required).

19.6  Finishing Up

   Now you should proceed to the Configuration
   section of this manual (skipping the first two sections) and configure your 
   wview installation. When you are done, reboot the slug and confirm proper 
   operation. You will probably want to install the nfs-utils package and/or 
   samba so you can transfer files to/from your slug. These are described on the 
   openslug Wiki - look around and have fun with your slug!

19.7  Upgrading

   If upgrading a previous version of wview:
       # /etc/init.d/wview stop
       # mv /etc/wview /etc/wview-OLD
       # mv /var/wview/img /var/wview/img-OLD
       # cd /etc/ipkg
       # wget http://www.wviewweather.com/ipkg/wview.conf
       # ipkg update
       # ipkg install wview
       (merge your old configuration files into the new directories)
       # wviewconfig

20. Porting New Stations To wview

20.1  Station API

   The wview station API is prototyped in ../stations/common/station.h. For 
   full details of the functional requirements please refer to station.h and
   existing station interfaces. The required functions of any station interface
   are (from station.h):
// station-supplied init function
// -- Can Be Asynchronous - event indication required --
// MUST (in this order):
//   - set the 'stationGeneratesArchives' flag in WVIEWD_WORK:
//     if the station generates archive records (TRUE) or they should be 
//     generated automatically by the daemon from the sensor readings (FALSE)
//   - Initialize the 'stationData' store for station work area
//   - Initialize the interface medium
//   - determine the station archive interval - either from the station itself
//     or from user configuration in wview.conf - and set the 
//     'work->archiveInterval' variable (in minutes) in WVIEWD_WORK
//   - VERIFY the archive interval by calling 'stationVerifyArchiveInterval' -
//     If they don't match, indicate an errant start via the call:
//     radProcessEventsSend (NULL, STATION_INIT_COMPLETE_EVENT, 1)
//     and stopping further init activities here!
//   - do any catch-up on archive records if there is a data logger (can be 
//     asynchronous) - the 'work->runningFlag' can be used for start up 
//     synchronization but should not be modified by the station interface code
//   - do initial LOOP acquisition
//   - indicate successful initialization is done via the call:
//     radProcessEventsSend (NULL, STATION_INIT_COMPLETE_EVENT, 0)
//   - Initialize a state machine or any other construct required for the 
//     station interface - these should be stored in the 'stationData' store
// 'archiveIndication' - indication callback used to pass back an archive record
//   generated as a result of 'stationGetArchive' being called; should receive a
//   NULL pointer for 'newRecord' if no record available; only used if 
//   'stationGeneratesArchives' flag is set to TRUE by the station interface
// Returns: OK or ERROR
extern int stationInit
    WVIEWD_WORK     *work,
    void            (*archiveIndication)(ARCHIVE_RECORD *newRecord)

// station-supplied exit function
// Returns: N/A
extern void stationExit (WVIEWD_WORK *work);

// station-supplied function to retrieve positional info (lat, long, elev) -
// should populate WVIEWD_WORK fields: latitude, longitude, elevation
// -- Synchronous --
// - If station does not store these parameters, they can be retrieved from the
//   wview.conf file (see the 'stationGetConfigValue' utilities below) - user 
//   must choose station type "Generic" when running the wviewconfig script
// Returns: OK or ERROR
extern int stationGetPosition (WVIEWD_WORK *work);

// station-supplied function to indicate a time sync should be performed if the
// station maintains time, otherwise may be safely ignored
// -- Can Be Asynchronous --
// Returns: OK or ERROR
extern int stationSyncTime (WVIEWD_WORK *work);

// station-supplied function to indicate sensor readings should be performed -
// should populate 'work' struct: loopPkt (see datadefs.h for minimum field reqs)
// -- Can Be Asynchronous --
// - indicate readings are complete by sending the STATION_LOOP_COMPLETE_EVENT
//   event to this process (radProcessEventsSend (NULL, STATION_LOOP_COMPLETE_EVENT, 0))
// Returns: OK or ERROR
extern int stationGetReadings (WVIEWD_WORK *work);

// station-supplied function to indicate an archive record should be generated -
// MUST populate an ARCHIVE_RECORD struct and indicate it to 'archiveIndication'
// function passed into 'stationInit'
// -- Asynchronous - callback indication required --
// Returns: OK or ERROR
// Note: 'archiveIndication' should receive a NULL pointer for the newRecord if
//       no record is available
// Note: This function will only be invoked by the wview daemon if the 
//       'stationInit' function set the 'stationGeneratesArchives' to TRUE
extern int stationGetArchive (WVIEWD_WORK *work);

// station-supplied function to indicate data is available on the station 
// interface medium (serial or ethernet) -
// It is the responsibility of the station interface to read the data from the 
// medium and process appropriately. The data does not have to be read within
// the context of this function, but may be used to stimulate a state machine.
// -- Can Be Asynchronous --
// Returns: N/A
extern void stationDataIndicate (WVIEWD_WORK *work);

// station-supplied function to indicate the interface timer has expired -
// It is the responsibility of the station interface to start/stop the interface
// timer as needed for the particular station requirements.
// The station interface timer is specified by the 'ifTimer' member of the
// WVIEWD_WORK structure. No other timers in that structure should be manipulated
// in any way by the station interface code.
// -- Can Be Asynchronous --
// Returns: N/A
extern void stationIFTimerExpiry (WVIEWD_WORK *work);

20.2  Notes

   - Two events are used for notification to the generic wviewd daemon:
     STATION_INIT_COMPLETE_EVENT    used to asynchronously indicate station-
                                    specific initialization is complete
     STATION_LOOP_COMPLETE_EVENT    used to asynchronously indicate that a 
                                    current readings acquisition is complete

   - If the station does not include a data logger, the generic wviewd daemon
     will generate archive records based on the current readings samples for the
     archive interval. See the WXT510 implementation for an example of a
     straightforward synchronous station interface. It does not include a data 
     logger and requires the wview daemon to generate archive records. The 
     Simulator station implementation also demonstrates a synchronous interface.

   - If the station does include a data logger, the archiveIndication function
     allows an asynchronous way to indicate the archive record to the wview 
     daemon. See the VantagePro station implementation for an asynchronous, 
     state-machine driven station interface.

   - A station-specific work data store pointer is provided in the WVIEWD_WORK
     structure to allow the definition and reference of station-specific data
     (including state machines, etc.).

   - If the station does not configure/store location data, the station config
     parameter utility can be used to extract them from wview.conf (see 
     stations/Simulator/simulator.c for example usage).

21. Troubleshooting

21.1  wview Processes

   Please note there are two unix processes for each wview daemon: this is 
   normal radlib operation. One is the actual daemon and the other is a 
   "reflector" process which allows the daemon to send events to itself and 
   to open the message queue FIFO properly. Don't let that bother you. 
   Here are the processes running on my server (no ssh/ftp because I don't 
   need it):

    root@localhost:/root# ps aux | grep wv
    root     73863  0.0  0.2  2320 1808  ??  Ss    7:08AM   0:00.02 /usr/local/bin/radmrouted 1 /var/wview
    root     73865  0.0  0.2  2300 1780  ??  I     7:08AM   0:00.00 /usr/local/bin/radmrouted 1 /var/wview
    root     73868  0.0  0.1  2380 1472  ??  Ss    7:08AM   0:00.36 /usr/local/bin/wviewd
    root     73870  0.0  0.1  2356 1196  ??  I     7:08AM   0:00.00 /usr/local/bin/wviewd
    root     73873  0.0  0.1  2376 1524  ??  Is    7:08AM   0:35.43 /usr/local/bin/wviewsqld
    root     73875  0.0  0.1  2324 1140  ??  I     7:08AM   0:00.00 /usr/local/bin/wviewsqld
    root     73879  0.0  0.1  2336 1468  ??  Ss    7:08AM   0:00.01 /usr/local/bin/wvalarmd
    root     73881  0.0  0.1  2312 1136  ??  I     7:08AM   0:00.00 /usr/local/bin/wvalarmd
    root     73882  0.0  0.1  2392 1504  ??  Is    7:08AM   0:00.01 /usr/local/bin/wvcwopd
    root     73884  0.0  0.1  2304 1136  ??  I     7:08AM   0:00.00 /usr/local/bin/wvcwopd
    root     73885  0.0  0.3  4944 3100  ??  Is    7:08AM   0:00.03 /usr/local/bin/wvwunderd
    root     73886  0.0  0.2  4788 2216  ??  I     7:08AM   0:00.00 /usr/local/bin/wvwunderd
    root@localhost:/root# ps aux | grep htmlgen
    root     73876  0.0  0.3  3960 2800  ??  Is    7:08AM   0:05.82 /usr/local/bin/htmlgend
    root     73878  0.0  0.2  3860 1964  ??  I     7:08AM   0:00.00 /usr/local/bin/htmlgend
    This indicates I have 6 wview daemons running: wviewd, htmlgend, wviewsqld,
    wvalarmd, wvcwopd and wvwunderd. It also displays the radlib message router
    process radmrouted.

21.2  SYS V IPC (Interprocess Communication)

   wview uses many radlib facilities which are based on the system V IPC 
   concepts of shared memory and semaphores.
   Here is a listing of IPC objects while wview is running (FreeBSD):

    root@localhost:/root# ipcs
    Message Queues:
    T     ID     KEY        MODE       OWNER    GROUP
    Shared Memory:
    T     ID     KEY        MODE       OWNER    GROUP
    m 4128768     126979 --rw-rw-r--     root    wheel
    m 4128769     126977 --rw-rw-r--     root    wheel
    m 4128770  267386882 --rw-rw-r--     root    wheel
    T     ID     KEY        MODE       OWNER    GROUP
    s 4128768  267386881 --rw-r--r--     root    wheel
    s 4128769     126978 --rw-r--r--     root    wheel
    And, after running /etc/rc.d/wview stop:
    root@localhost:/root# /etc/rc.d/wview stop
    Shutting down weather daemons...
    root@localhost:/root# ipcs
    Message Queues:
    T     ID     KEY        MODE       OWNER    GROUP
    Shared Memory:
    T     ID     KEY        MODE       OWNER    GROUP
    T     ID     KEY        MODE       OWNER    GROUP

    Linux systems tend to have other IPC objects defined - you do not want to 
    disturb those. The wview objects are discernable by the "KEY" values:
    126977 (0x1F001) - 126979 (0x1F003)             (wview-specific) 
    267386881 (0xFF00001) - 267386882 (0xFF00002)   (radlib general)

    If, after shutting down wview, any of the IPC objects associated with wview
    (or radlib) still remain, you will need to remove them manually using the
    "ipcrm" command. This is normally caused by failed wview starts when 
    initially installing wview with improper configuration or by a faulty wview
    start/stop script which is leaving wview processes running.

21.3  wview Startup

   wview generates a number of log messages, in particular during 
   initialization. The system log file is normally /var/log/messages. I 
   typically run "tail -f /var/log/messages" in a separate console when 
   starting up wview. You should also when you first install it. Informational 
   logs can later be disabled by editing wview.conf then sending a HUP signal
   to wviewd and htmlgend: (kill -s HUP `cat /var/wview/wviewd.pid`) and 
   (kill -s HUP `cat /var/wview/htmlgend.pid`) respectively.
   If you have errors in your startup log, you will need to stop all wview 
   daemons using the wview start script (/etc/init.d/wview stop). These are 
   independent processes which will not shut down automatically if there is
   an error in one of them. You must use the wview script.
   Here is what the log file looks like on my server when wview starts up, so 
   you know what a good start looks like:

Jan 25 11:33:06 radmrouted[60244]: <44053403> : radlib: radmrouted started as a daemon ...
Jan 25 11:33:06 radmrouted[60244]: <44053404> : started on radlib system 1, workdir /var/wview
Jan 25 11:33:06 radmrouted[60244]: <44053404> : running...
Jan 25 11:33:07 wviewd[60248]: <44054418> : radlib: wviewd started as a daemon ...
Jan 25 11:33:07 wviewd[60248]: <44054420> : wview 3.1.0p42 starting ...
Jan 25 11:33:07 wviewd[60248]: <44054420> : station interface: serial ...
Jan 25 11:33:07 wviewd[60248]: <44054420> : Rain Season Start Month set to 1
Jan 25 11:33:07 wviewd[60248]: <44054420> : no rain storm start trigger given, defaulting to 0.05 in/hr...
Jan 25 11:33:07 wviewd[60248]: <44054420> : no rain storm idle stop time given, defaulting to 12 hours...
Jan 25 11:33:07 wviewd[60248]: <44054420> : station polling interval set to 15 seconds
Jan 25 11:33:07 wviewd[60248]: <44054456> : -- Station Init Start --
Jan 25 11:33:08 wviewsqld[60252]: <44055445> : radlib: wviewsqld started as a daemon ...
Jan 25 11:33:08 wviewsqld[60252]: <44055454> : SQLDB: extended US archiving enabled -
Jan 25 11:33:08 wviewsqld[60252]: <44055454> : SQLDB: to localhost table wviewDB.archive
Jan 25 11:33:08 wvalarmd[60257]: <44055477> : radlib: wvalarmd started as a daemon ...
Jan 25 11:33:08 wvcwopd[60260]: <44055478> : radlib: wvcwopd started as a daemon ...
Jan 25 11:33:08 wvcwopd[60260]: <44055479> : CWOP: configured to submit station CW4097 data to:
Jan 25 11:33:08 wvcwopd[60260]: <44055479> : CWOP: Primary:   aprsfl.net:14580
Jan 25 11:33:08 wvcwopd[60260]: <44055479> : CWOP: Secondary: indiana.aprs2.net:23
Jan 25 11:33:08 wvcwopd[60260]: <44055479> : CWOP: Tertiary:  socal.aprs2.net:23
Jan 25 11:33:08 htmlgend[60255]: <44055484> : radlib: htmlgend started as a daemon ...
Jan 25 11:33:08 wvalarmd[60257]: <44055488> : alarms: added 2 alarm definitions from wvalarm.conf
Jan 25 11:33:08 wviewftpd[60266]: <44055492> : /etc/wview/wviewftp.conf does not exist - exiting...
Jan 25 11:33:08 htmlgend[60255]: <44055495> : generating to /usr/local/www/vhosts/weather
Jan 25 11:33:08 wviewsshd[60267]: <44055500> : /etc/wview/wviewssh.conf does not exist - exiting...
Jan 25 11:33:08 wvwunderd[60264]: <44055495> : radlib: wvwunderd started as a daemon ...
Jan 25 11:33:08 wvwunderd[60264]: <44055504> : WUNDERGROUND: configured to submit station KTXCOLLI1 data to wunderground.com
Jan 25 11:33:09 wviewd[60248]: <44055596> : Vantage Pro on /dev/cuaa0 opened ...
Jan 25 11:33:09 wviewd[60248]: <44055639> : station archive interval: 5 minutes
Jan 25 11:33:09 wviewd[60248]: <44055656> : running...
Jan 25 11:33:09 wviewd[60248]: <44055956> : station location: elevation: 751 feet
Jan 25 11:33:09 wviewd[60248]: <44055956> : station location: latitude: 33.6 N  longitude: 96.9 W
Jan 25 11:33:09 wviewd[60248]: <44055956> : initializing computed data values...
Jan 25 11:33:09 htmlgend[60255]: <44056196> : running...
Jan 25 11:33:10 wviewd[60248]: <44057111> : -- Station Init Complete --
Jan 25 11:33:10 wviewd[60248]: <44057115> : newest archive record: 2006-01-25 11:30
Jan 25 11:33:10 wviewsqld[60252]: <44057115> : SQLDB: beginning initial database sync (this may take some time)...
Jan 25 11:33:10 wvwunderd[60264]: <44057116> : running...
Jan 25 11:33:10 wviewsqld[60252]: <44057116> : running...
Jan 25 11:33:10 htmlgend[60255]: <44057118> : received archive path /var/wview/archive from wviewd: 20060125 11:33:10
Jan 25 11:33:10 htmlgend[60255]: <44057120> : htmlmgrInit: 54 built-in image definitions added
Jan 25 11:33:10 htmlgend[60255]: <44057120> : htmlmgrInit: 0 user image definitions added
Jan 25 11:33:10 htmlgend[60255]: <44057120> : htmlmgrInit: 9 html/xml templates added
Jan 25 11:33:10 htmlgend[60255]: <44057120> : htmlmgrInit: forecast html tags are disabled - /etc/wview/forecast.conf not found...
Jan 25 11:33:10 wvalarmd[60257]: <44057126> : running...
Jan 25 11:33:10 wvcwopd[60260]: <44057136> : running...
Jan 25 11:33:11 htmlgend[60255]: <44057842> : NOAA Generate: creating monthly NOAA reports starting 12-2004
Jan 25 11:33:11 htmlgend[60255]: <44057852> : NOAA Generate: creating yearly NOAA reports starting 2004
Jan 25 11:33:11 htmlgend[60255]: <44057875> : ARCREC: using header file /etc/wview/arcrec-header.conf ...
Jan 25 11:33:11 htmlgend[60255]: <44057877> : ARCREC: saving ALL daily archive reports ...
Jan 25 11:33:11 htmlgend[60255]: <44058041> : ARCREC: 416 daily archive reports available
Jan 25 11:33:12 htmlgend[60255]: <44058560> : starting html generation in 1 mins 58 secs
Jan 25 11:33:12 htmlgend[60255]: <44058560> : doing initial html generation now...
Jan 25 11:33:12 htmlgend[60255]: <44059158> : Generated: 596 ms: 54 images, 9 html/xml files
Jan 25 11:33:31 wviewd[60248]: <44077576> : station time synchronized to: 01-25-2006 11:33:30
Jan 25 11:33:31 wviewd[60248]: <44077576> : station GMT offset synchronized to: -6 hours, 0 minutes
Jan 25 11:34:25 wviewsqld[60252]: <44131627> : SQLDB: initial database sync complete:
Jan 25 11:34:25 wviewsqld[60252]: <44131628> : SQLDB: 0 inserts, 119562 duplicates, 0 errors
Jan 25 11:35:04 wviewd[60248]: <44171329> : storing record for 2006-01-25 11:35
Jan 25 11:35:04 htmlgend[60255]: <44171341> : Adding 5 minute sample...
Jan 25 11:35:10 htmlgend[60255]: <44176951> : Generated: 131 ms: 31 images, 9 html/xml files
Jan 25 11:36:10 htmlgend[60255]: <44236904> : Generated: 73 ms: 19 images, 9 html/xml files
Jan 25 11:37:10 htmlgend[60255]: <44296896> : Generated: 73 ms: 19 images, 9 html/xml files
Jan 25 11:38:10 htmlgend[60255]: <44356897> : Generated: 72 ms: 19 images, 9 html/xml files

21.4  Log Verbosity During Normal Operation

   Configuration Parameter: VERBOSE_MSGS in wview.conf

   Log Verbosity refers to status level logs - "normal" operation informational 
   messages. These can be quite interesting when first starting wview or after 
   an upgrade. But when enabled it can generate a bit of log file volume.

   VERBOSE_MSGS controls the default state for all wview daemons at startup.

   While wview is running, you can toggle the log verbosity for a given wview
   daemon by sending a HUP signal to that process (this also causes a reload of
   image/html configuration for htmlgend). Below are the suitable shell commands
   for each daemon:

    kill -s HUP `cat /var/wview/wviewd.pid`
    kill -s HUP `cat /var/wview/htmlgend.pid`
    kill -s HUP `cat /var/wview/wviewftpd.pid`
    kill -s HUP `cat /var/wview/wviewsshd.pid`
    kill -s HUP `cat /var/wview/wvalarmd.pid`
    kill -s HUP `cat /var/wview/wvcwopd.pid`
    kill -s HUP `cat /var/wview/wvwunderd.pid`

21.5  Vantage Pro

21.5.1  Wireless Reception

   If you are missing archive records, receiving bad archive records, or your 
   current conditions values don't update as expected, you may have problems 
   with the wireless reception from the Vantage Pro Integrated Sensor Suite 
   (ISS). If you have version 1.7.2 or later of wview, you can access a chart 
   which displays the percentage of successful packets received at: 
   If the graph displays points equal to zero or at very low values, you should 
   investigate why your wireless reception is so poor. Possible solutions 
   include: changing the gain on your VP Console, moving your VP Console to 
   improve reception or perhaps moving your ISS for better reception.

21.5.2  Serial Interface Problems

   If you see a log message similar to:

daemonStartProcState: lat and long failed

   or periodic logs similar to:

wakeupConsole: Read ERROR!


wakeupConsole: Invalid data: FE 13     (data values "FE 13" will vary)

   you have a serial interface problem. The best test is to stop wview if it is 
   running and use vpconfig to verify your serial interface.
   You should be able to run "vpconfig [device] show" repeatedly without any 
   failures being reported (see section 15.6 for vpconfig usage).
   Possible culprits are:
   Bad serial cable
   Bad serial port on your PC
   Incorrect terminal server settings (when using a terminal server)
   Improper USB driver installation or operation (if using USB and driver)

   wview will not work properly without a reliable serial interface.

21.6  WXT-510

21.6.1  Comm Problems

   If you see error messages like "NMEA: nmea0183Init: XXX failed!" when 
   starting wview, it is a good indication that the comm settings on the WXT-510
   have not been set correctly. Be sure you run wxt510config BEFORE your first
   wview start. wxt510config searches through all possible comm setting 
   combinations until it "fimds" the WXT-510, then it sets the comm parameters
   properly for wview.

21.6.2  Sensor Problems

   If you see an error similar to:
   "NMEA: nmea0183GetReadings: 0x7FC1: not all sensors updated..."
   then there is the possibility that the THP sensor connector header under the
   very top of the WXT-510 is not making good contact. You can remove the long 
   screws which hold the entire station together then remove the 3 very small
   screws which retain the upper PCB cover. Take care to mate the small header 
   in the middle well then hold the cover in place while screwing the retaining
   screws back in. Make sure you do not dislodge the ribbon cable connections.

21.7  Using raddebug

   raddebug is a general debug utility which is installed when you install radlib.
   It can be used to display semaphore usage, buffer usage and radmrouted 
       # raddebug 1 /var/wview

   It will output something like:

Attached to radlib system 1: UP 0 years, 0 months, 0 days, 5 hours, 17 minutes, 26 seconds

Buffer Allocation by Size:
Dumping index 0: size 64: Free/Total 64/64
Dumping index 1: size 128: Free/Total 128/128
Dumping index 2: size 256: Free/Total 244/256
Dumping index 3: size 512: Free/Total 256/256
Dumping index 4: size 1024: Free/Total 128/128
Dumping index 5: size 2048: Free/Total 64/64
Dumping index 6: size 4096: Free/Total 32/32

Buffer Summary:
        Total Free: 916
        Total Allocated: 12
        Total Allocations Since Started: 121628

Semaphore Info:
  0       0      0        0     0
  1       0      0        0     0
  2       1      0        0     63615
  3       0      0        0     0
  4       1      0        0     61597
  5       0      0        0     0
  6       0      0        0     0
  7       0      0        0     0
  8       0      0        0     0
  9       0      0        0     0
 10       0      0        0     0
 11       0      0        0     0
 12       0      0        0     0
 13       0      0        0     0
 14       0      0        0     0
 15       0      0        0     0

raddebug[63615]: <3310611880> : radlib: raddebug started ...
Dumping message router stats to the system log file...

   Then view the message router (radmrouted) statistics:

       # tail -n 40 -f /var/log/messages

   With output like:

raddebug[63615]: <3310611880> : radlib: raddebug started ...
radmrouted[61576]: <3310611917> : ---------- Message Router Totals:  TX:0000001851  RX:0000001662 ----------
radmrouted[61576]: <3310611917> :      Name       MSGS TX         MSGS RX          TXERRS          RXERRS
radmrouted[61576]: <3310611917> : -------------- ----------      ----------      ----------      ----------
radmrouted[61576]: <3310611917> : wviewd               1021             641               0               0
radmrouted[61576]: <3310611917> : wviewsqld               1              64               0               0
radmrouted[61576]: <3310611917> : wvalarmd                1             318               0               0
radmrouted[61576]: <3310611917> : htmlgend              637             700               0               0
radmrouted[61576]: <3310611917> : wvcwopd                 1              64               0               0
radmrouted[61576]: <3310611917> : wvwunderd               1              64               0               0
radmrouted[61576]: <3310611917> : raddebug                0               0               0               0
radmrouted[61576]: <3310611917> : --------------------------------------------------------------------------